
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Row 5 ~ Baby Flying Geese !

These little,or maybe I should say Micro geese blocks took me much longer than anticipated!  Each block measures in at 1 1/2" x 2 1/2 "unfinished!

Here are some of the little guys all flying around on my design board :)

Check out this gaggle of baby honkers!  I ended up making more than required for the row(not sure how that happened) so plan on using the extras for the back of the quilt.

About half an hour before I went outside to snap a few photos of these little guys,it was blowing and snowing like crazy!  When I got outside,there was barely a whisper of a breeze,and it had quit snowing.

My plan was to get a shot of my baby geese getting in some flying practice!  This was the best I could do.  You can just see some snow dust on the steps at the right of the photo :)

Back inside,where it is toasty a toasty 65(our high temp today was 28)!  Here are all five rows that I have completed so far.  Row 6 is up,so I need to get busy on it,although it should go a lot quicker since it is the same size as the apples and butterflies :)

I also finally finished up my fall Rock Garden flag today :)  Of course I had to add some geese and since I was on a roll with the babies,that is what is flying across the bottom of the flag!

The backside is a patchwork print in fun fall colors :)  Just had time to snap these photos before dusk crept in on us.

This is one of two blocks I made for quilts for victims of Sandy,it is a disappearing 4 patch.

The second one,the fabric requested was florals,with a print that would read as a solid.  This was the first time making this block,but won't be the last :)

Now I am going to try and get a couple blocks done for Karen over at Hazel Dell Quilts These will be Wonky Scrappy Log Cabin blocks,if you have a few minutes why not whip up a couple yourself?

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend with at least a little sewing thrown in :)  Don't forget tomorrow is my day to post for the UR Priceless Blog Hop so stop in to see my cute little coin purses!


  1. You have the cutest gaggle of little goslings I've ever seen! The garden flag is so pretty. You have been so busy.

  2. I love the 5 rows. The colors and patterns are so cheerful.

  3. Oh fun! I love the photos outdoors! Snow sounds really far away as it was 73 here today.

    I finished the chevrons and little squares a few weeks ago and just last night made the hot cocoa cups. I have all the apples done but none of the cores yet and no butterflies (although I have some fabric cut and picked out), but I have really enjoyed making these rows. I just love working on them. I like how they are good practice, but fun to do. I've been looking at the flickr photos and one quilter is making two different color schemes!

  4. Wow, You have some patience making those minis. What method did you use? I'm not sure I could be precise by just making it the traditional way. I'd probably use paper :) I love your Rock Garden flag, it's so pretty! And the disappearing 4 patch blocks are lovely!

  5. I love your rock garden flag! I always like seeing what you have made for the season. Your geese look great and your quilt is going to be GORGEOUS darling!


Comments from the Sunflowers