
Monday, November 26, 2012

Meet the PineCones

Hope everyone had a great ThanksGiving and weekend too!  Not talking about that Black Day...

Early this fall,when Mr. P and I went to checkout the turning Aspens,I picked up some pinecones at one of the places where we stopped and got out.  These guys are so ugly they are cute :)  Their hats are the corners of some bags/totes that were made this summer,the eyes and noses are buttons from my stash!  I still have about this many more to make up yet,and since they do not want to stand up very well,they will probably get hung on the tree.

I also made up a few lanyards this weekend,the package of hardware had enough to make 25,so there will be more of these in the future.  They are really pretty quick and fun to make up.

This little stack is a sneak peak of something that is in progress at the moment...more on that soon!  Hope you have your craft on,as Christmas is fast approaching!!!


  1. The pine cones are so adorable! Can't wait to see your secret project!

  2. Pine cones are too cute!! No, seriously, they would be perfect for the REAL Christmas tree I will be getting soon. Maybe I will copy you and make a family of them.

  3. What a great idea for the pine cones. And the lanyards would be great gifts! Looking forward to your secret project.

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