
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Row,Row,...your Quilt

A little while back during the Dots on Dots Blog Hop one of the peeps to leave a comment on my post was none other than Lori Holt!  After following the link back to her blog,I discovered that she was having a Row ~ Along  It looked so interesting that I immediately signed up to receive her posts by email :)  Since then I have been on the fence about weather or not to jump in and start paddling ;)

The other day it occurred to me that even though I did not have all the colors/shades of fabric needed(the main reason for not jumping right in) it might be found in the comforter bag of fabric that I had Raided from mom's stash that mom had let me take from her own stash in April while visiting :)

This weekend I have been rowing like crazy (feels like it anyway).  This is the first row,lots of tiny little squares.

A little closer look :)  This was fun to make,although it took me quite a bit longer than I expected!  Most of the fabric is from mom's stash,with a few of my own thrown in to complete the amount needed.  Since most of moms fabric is from at least the nineties,I decided to use muslin as the background fabric.  It is what I have enough of,and looks good too.

Rows one and two together!  The second row is little butterflies!  Are they not just too stinkin cute? :)

A closer look.  When looking at the photos for this post I realized that there are a couple of butterflies that are not turned the right direction,oops!  They were supposed to alternate one sideways,one up and so on.  Oh well,I still think that they are cute :)  Unless you are also rowing along you would never have known that they are not supposed to be like that.

While looking around Lori's blog I found a Tutorial for how to make a mini design board :)  This is the back of the one I made today :)  I bought a smaller one than she cuts down to make mini's,it was a tri-fold board.  So to fix the places where it folds,I hot glued in the creases and pressed them together.  Then followed her directions to make the design board :) You should make one or more for yourself,they are pretty Sweet!

Row three is all cut out and ready for me to start piecing and sewing it together this next week :)
I was going to talk about a few other things too,but it is already time to go to bed!  Time sure does fly when you are having fun :(  Oh well another day.


  1. Oh fun! This row along is on my list. I have the fabric picked out, now I just have to get started on making the rows.

  2. Love your rows, and if you hadn't said anything about the butterflies I would have never known!!!

  3. Love your row along quilt! It's going to be pretty sweet when it's done! And how fun to have some of your mom's stash in the quilt.

  4. The row along seems like fun, I have always though to join in one of the crochet ones they have. Thanks for linking up to {Im}Perfect Sundays!

  5. I follow Lori's blog - the row quilt looks great, yours will be fab when it's done!


Comments from the Sunflowers