
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pretty little apples

It has taken me from last weekend to get up to speed on the row along,but caught up I am!

The two yellow apples are a little hard to see because they are both a very pale shade of yellow.  I finished this just in time Friday evening to snap off couple of quick photos before it was to dark.

A close up so you can see one of the yellow apples,and also one of the apple cores.  This photo was taken with the row around the  my big Spirea bush.  The colors are really pretty right now :)

Thought you might like to see the whole bush.  It does a great job of hiding the ugly tongue of the trailer!

In other sewing news....

A little late,but here is the progress on my fall rock garden flag.  It needs the border added and also the backing.  I am thinking of geese for the border and a solid or pieced back,haven't decided on the back yet.  This one is going to be laminated before it gets finished up and hung outside.  Hopefully that will keep it from fading so much from the rain and sun.

Can you believe another weekend has flown by again?  Me neither,and yet it has!  Hope you had time for some sewing or crafting this weekend :)


  1. I am in love with those apples, especially the apple core! So sweet. :) Gorgeous fall colors, and rock garden flag block, too.

  2. These apples are so cute! I would love to make a table runner or something like that using the apples...if I can ever find the spare time :)

  3. Oh the Apples are great! I was lucky to stumble onto your blog today through Karens Craft Linking. I look forward to future posts. You have a very nice blog.

  4. Great job getting caught up! The apples ar so cute!

  5. I'm happy you are doing this quilt along. Your apples are wonderful. I look forward to your next row.

  6. Love it!! My kitchen is all apple themed! Came here from Sew Many Ways blog...

  7. I love your apples!!! They turned out so fantastic!!!

  8. I love how the apples turned out, they are so awesome. Great job! Thanks for linking up to Imperfect Sundays.


Comments from the Sunflowers