
Monday, September 3, 2012

Laboring on Labor Day

Sorry for the sudden Hiatus peeps,I just was needing a break.  Half of the time I was on a much needed vacation,spent with my sis :)  While there we drove up to meet one of my blogger friends,some of you are probably familiar  with her blog,the sweet person I am referring to is Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs !

If it is possible to believe,Melissa is even sweeter in person than she is on her blog!  I was welcomed into her home like a long time friend,and it didn't end there.  After showing me around her  immaculately clean sewing room,and letting me check out all her quilt tops,she fixed us lunch :)  Then we were off to the LQS x2!  Thank You Melissa,for letting me invade and hang out with you and Anne for the afternoon,it was the Highlight of my vacation ;)

On to the Labor..........

The above photo is what I did all morning,Gil's "B" Day was Saturday!  He finally put in his request for what he wanted included in his Birthday box,goodie wise that is :)  Starting on the left there are,cinnamon Rice Crispy treat cookies,Pumpkin Snickerdoodles,Pumpkin Biscotti dipped in white chocolate & pecans,and on the cutting board are,Cherry Chip Scones.  Of course I kept some of each for Mr. P. to enjoy.

This afternoon after waisting spending time on Pinterest I decided to work on a test block for one of my Bees.  I finally gave up on the first one,the directions were written wrong.  On to the second one,which was also a royal pain in my you know what!  I lost count of the number of times I sewed,ripped,repeated!

Even tho it didn't turn out correctly,since I placed some of the pieces backwards....  Over all I still like it,and have decided to call it Puzzled Star :)  When I get it right,I will post a photo so you will be able to see what it is supposed to look like.


  1. I like the new block you created. Very striking and modern. The cookies look wonderful, your son is very lucky to receive such a delicious b-day gift.

  2. Immaculately clean?!? Haha! I had so much fun meeting you too!!! You are just so very wonderful! I love your block, you should do a tutorial for it, it is absolutely stunning. And Gil is so lucky to get all those yummy baked goods :)

  3. Hoping for a pumpkin biscotti, pumpkin rice krispy treat, pumpkin snickerdoodle tutorial in the near future...


Comments from the Sunflowers