
Saturday, September 8, 2012

I phone Tutorial (Almost)

Hey peeps!  How is your Saturday going?  Mine is going quite well thank you ;)  It has been pretty much a lazy day for me around here,which is not the norm but,it is my "B" Day so..... the dirty dishes will stay in the sink until tomorrow :)

I Phone Cozy/Case

Recently while on vacation in Oregon,I purchased a new phone!  Although my upgrade had been available for a while,there is no sales tax in the state of Oregon :)  Anyway,when the sales guy asked me which case I would like to go with my phone,I replied,that accessory would not be necessary since I  planed on making my own.  LOL!!!  He was like you are going to What???  Um okay.  Mine is Way better than any ole store bought case :)

First off you will need fabric,I chose to use three different prints,but you could use one,two,three or whatever suits you.

Materials needed for this cozy or case are as follows:

  • 2 pieces of fabric measuring 10 3/4" x 4"
  • 2 pieces of fusible interfacing 10 1/2" x 3 3/4"
  • 1 piece of batting 10 1/2"x 3 3/4"
  • 1 piece of fabric 2 1/2"x 2"
Cut your two 10 3/4" x 4" pieces lengthwise with the grain of the fabric (see photo below)

Accuracy is very important in this project,so that your I Phone will fit properly into the cozy/case.  So I would highly recommend the use of a rotary cutter and quilt ruler to achieve the best results.

Next,fuse your pieces of interfacing to the wrong sides of each 10 3/4"x 4" of fabric.

Since I forgot to take a photo of this step,I used this one again,because it has the tab in it.
Take your tab and fold it in half,press,unfold and re-fold into fourths,press again.  Sew as close to the edge,on each side of the tab as possible.

Place the two pieces of fabric wrong sides together,take your piece of batting and lay it on top creating a fabric sandwich,with the batting on the top.

Peal/fold back the top piece of fabric and the batting,place your tab inside the layers,with all the raw edges lined up together.  (the folded edge facing inside,away from the outer/raw edge.

Pin the tab in place,in order to get it centered,line it up on your cutting mat.  (see photo above)

Sew around the edge using a 3/8" seam allowance,leave a 3" opening for turning,see where the red thread starts and stops?  Between those is where my 3" is.  It is probably hard to see but,on the same side as the opening,I have trimmed the batting very close to the sewing,but not too close!  (be careful not to trim too close)  Clip corners,for ease of turning and getting your corners to lay flat/look nice.  Now,turn right side out,sorry for the lack of photos for some of the steps,I got so excited about how it was turning out,I forgot to take some of the photos!

Top stitch across each end,push out the corners,press,then fold in half lengthwise,(no photo :(  sorry) making sure that the tab is at the back/bottom side,top stitch from the top to the bottom on each side of the case.

You can just see the white stitching on either side of the case/cozy where I top stitched.

All done,and a perfect fit too!  I hope that you were able to understand this even with the lack/missing photos of some of the steps :)  If not,feel free to ask any questions,and I will do my best to answer them.

Pretty sweet right?!
Credit,Where it is DUE:  You can find the tutorial I used to make mine Here  at Dog under my desk.
Be sure to check out her Awesome blog for all kinds of Sweet tutorials and sewing :)


  1. CeLynn, first of all, Happy Belated Birthday! Congratulations on the new iPhone, hope you'll like it! Great case, I love those fabrics! I think the tutorial was totally clear, don't know about other people, but if you're used to making these things there are only a number of possibilities, the basics are the same. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. I love your new case! And happy birthday again my friend!


Comments from the Sunflowers