
Monday, August 6, 2012


Since I have had a sever headache since last night,this is going to be short and to the point.

True Random Number Generator  1Powered by R

My international winner is Lucy,she said....

ooohhh I'm a big Coca Cola fan!! ;)
Of course I am a follower. Congratulations on 100+!
Truly I think the best thing is to be yourself, it's your blog! I love your attitude and although I'm sometimes too busy to comment I'm always reading. So I say keep on keeping on x

Thank you Lucy and congratulations ! :0)  I will be emailing you for your snail mail info.

True Random Number Generator  8

My winner from the USA is Melissa,she said....

Of course I am your follower :) I love your blog - it is the perfect mix of sewing, baking and life for me. I would love a tutorial or two for some of the awesome little bags you make, but I understand if you don't want to give those away :)

Thank you also Melissa,and congratulations to you ! :0)  Since I already have your address,you do not need to send it to me ;)

A big Thank You to all of my Awesome Followers,you Rock!

Even tho the random number generator says min:1 & Max:100 I really did enter the correct number of entries?  So you will just have to trust me on that,since I don't feel like trying to figure it out tonight :(  

Hope you had a good Monday and a even better rest of the week :)

1 comment:

  1. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!! Woohoo for me :) Thank you!!!


Comments from the Sunflowers