
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Up~Cycled Tie & a Giveaway

Once upon a time there was a young man who owned a black tie with pink polka dots.......

It looked a lot like this,that is until,he tried to iron it!  I came home from work one afternoon a few years ago to find a Very Upset Gil,tie in hand.  The first words out of his mouth were,"mom You Can Fix It Right"?  There was a melted spot about three inches in diameter about mid-chest.  It Sucks when,as a parent you Can't Fix It,even when it is just a melted tie.

Since then the tie has hung on a hook in my sewing room,that is until this weekend!  Can you see the bits of pink in the strips of fabric on the bath towel?  I finally had an idea of how to re-purpose/up-cycle Gil's tie!  He Loved that tie so much,it was a gift from his cousin when he was one of the grooms men in her wedding :)

The rest of the braided block was attached to the cuff of a pillow case.  After finishing the two projects I sent two picture texts to Gil,it was such a great feeling to get this reply....
"I Loved that Tie,I Like"!!!  Being a parent has its moments,Bad & Good Alike.

On to the Giveaway....

Sara over at Southern Transplant recently won the Traveling Stash (or one of them)  and is now ready to give it away!  Go check out her blog and leave a comment for a chance to win this box of fabric goodness :)  While you are there take a minute to check out her blog,if you like what you see give her a follow ;) 

                                         Good Luck!


  1. Lovely way to keep something so personal :) Awesome!

  2. Very cute! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, you can see it here.
    ♥ Terrie ♥

  3. What a sweet way to use his tie! I bet he is just so tickled (not that a Marine would ever say he was tickled!).


  4. What a great way to use his tie! Wonder what you could do with the rest of it??? That looks like a good box of goodies, I wouldn't want to ship it though. I'm having a giveaway on my blog check it out, I bet you'd like it :)

  5. Awesome use of tie!!!
    Thank you for offering to help with my DS dilemma! I'm all set now but really appreciate your offer!
    I couldn't email you back because you showed up as a no reply blogger, you can 'fix' this if you follow the instructions on this link:

    Always good for people to be able to message you if you win a giveaway or something! :) xx


Comments from the Sunflowers