
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just in the Nick of time

Not much sewing went on around here this evening after work,but I did manage to get my Bee blocks for Sew Bee Blissful knocked out this evening.

We were asked to make two QST Pinwheel blocks using this tutorial by Jenna over at SewHappyGeek they were part of her QAL at the beginning of the year.

For the first block I used the dark blue in the center,and try as I might those points just would not line up :(

The second block with the brown with tiny blue flowers in the center.  The points are a little better in this block,but still not as nice as I would like them to be.  Oh well it is my best,so I am okay with it.

My Firecracker grass,I think it is so cool!  It sure is an eye-catcher!  Have you entered my Christmas in July Follower Giveaway?  You have until Sunday evening to enter :0)

cpace,you left me a comment,thank you so much for becoming a follower :)  The only problem is that you are a ~ No Reply Blogger ~ which means if you win I can not contact you to let you know!!!  Please leave me a comment with your email in it,that way if you win I can let you know :)


  1. Oh that's so frustrating! I often have a tough time getting points too. That grass is really cool! I want some fr my garden now, but our yard is probably too shady.

  2. I've never seen or heard of firecracker grass before but it is definitely cool! I think your blocks look great - I was just happy that this was a block I had done before and I didn't have to go learn a whole new technique or anything! Made this month's sewing seem a lot more doable.


Comments from the Sunflowers