
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Citrus Bag take 2

Saturday afternoon I finally sat down to work on some more totes.  Even though it was baking hot in my sewing room!  Where did all that rain in the afternoons run off to?

Here is the fruit of my endeavors,it is amazing to me how different this one looks from the first Citrus Bag!  As you can see I moved the pieced strip up to the middle of the bag,on the first one it was very near the bottom.  The straps/handles on this bag have three different colored prints also used in the body of the bag.  While the first one had only two different colors on the straps/handles.

The lighter colored strips of fabric above and below the center pieced strip bring out the lighter shades,where as on the first bag the colors were a lot more vibrant.

For the lining on this bag/tote I decided to go with a center stripe of color while leaving the rest of the body grey.  You can see that I didn't plan out the pockets very well.  So I just cut a couple of pieces of cardboard and slipped them into each pocket.  Now the bag stands up quite nicely,not that it didn't before,but now it doesn't slump at all.  Where the first one does ever so slightly.

The third and last Citrus Bag is in pieces at the moment,hoping to finish it up sometime this coming week.

The other evening I was out running around with the camera taking more photos of my sunflowers and the garden.  This is such a cool shot,I just couldn't pass it up :)

The first sunflower to bloom in the patch out front!

Check out what I spied in the garden!  In a couple of days the first tomato will be ready to pick!!  Have a great week :)

Linking up with  Karen over at Sew Many Ways 



  1. Love your newest bag. Really cute. Our tomatoes are just coming on too. Enjoy your harvest.

  2. Beautiful bag, I really liked the first one too! Love your big Sunflower and I can't wait for home grown tomatoes! Thanks for sharing.
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday


Comments from the Sunflowers