
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oatmeal.... Its whats for breakfast (recipe)

Recently I have been trying to make some of the many projects,tutorials,recipes,etc. that are on my boards on pinterest.  A couple of weeks ago I tried out an Oatmeal in a small mason jar recipe.


The above photo is courtesy of theyummylife dot com.  (their food photos skills are awesome).

Anyway,while talking to Jolene one evening I mentioned this recipe to her.  After listening to me blab about how good this stuff is she suggested,(as usual) that this should appear in a post on my blog.  So that way she would have easy access to the recipe herself :)  So Sweetie,here it is....

Refrigerator Oatmeal

Here are the main ingredients needed for this recipe,you will also need fruit (not pictured).
The fruit used in my oatmeal jars was,Strawberry/banana,White Peach/Raspberry,and Blueberry/banana.  Normally I would use Apple with the blueberry,but did not have any apples on hand,so substituted the banana instead.

The General Recipe is as follows:

1/4 cup Old Fashioned Oats
1/3 cup Milk (I used Almond Milk)
1/4 cup Greek Yogurt (I like Greek Gods Brand,but any brand will do)
1 1/2 / teaspoon dried Chia Seeds (found at health food stores or online)
1-2 teaspoons maple syrup,vanilla extract,or other flavoring
1/4 cup fruit or enough to fill the jar

Most Walmart's,Amazon,Target's,or grocery stores carry canning jars.  You can also find them at thrift stores,but usually not the smaller ones.  The size used in this recipe is a jelly jar or a half pint size jar.
Some stores also have the white plastic lids,some do not,so you might have to look around for those.


In your jar add the oats,chia seeds,milk,yogurt,maple syrup,or whatever flavoring you are using.  Place lid on jar and shake vigorously until well combined.  Take the lid off and add your fruit to the jar stirring carefully until it is mixed throughly.  Return the lid to the jar and place in the refrigerator overnight.

My jars with Chia seeds in one,the chia seeds look kind of like Giant pepper grounds,except that they are round like a poppy seed.

Oatmeal mixture,Shaken Not Stirred ;)  (Raspberry White Peach)

Can you see the little bits of green in the Strawberry Banana?  That is Chocolate Mint from my herb garden,Yum!

Blueberry Banana,I added one leaf of Orange Mint to this one!

All three flavors :)  This recipe is a definite Keeper!  It is great for work mornings when I am in a hurry to get out the door,but also for on the weekends when being lazy too!  The great thing about it is that you can play around with the fruit part of the ingredients,and add whatever you like.  Or try out new things,i.e.,make it up as you go.

Another Pin,that I have tried and am very happy with the results!  Since deciding that instead of just pinning things and leaving them,it is important to try them out.  Which is helpful in making the decision of either to keep,or not to keep!

Off to have some breakfast ;)  Hope you try this out,Enjoy!


  1. I've never heard of this before but I have to try it. I have everything listed except the Chia seeds...are they absolutely necessary or can I leave them out?

  2. Thanks for showing this, I had that on my Pinterst board too. I tried it yesterday, wonderful! Loved eating it cold from the refrigerator on a hot summer morning.


Comments from the Sunflowers