
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A little Green

Today it was all about the Garden,no time for sewing,maybe tomorrow....

The bed in the foreground has 3 different pepper plants off to the left.  There are also snow peas,and cucumbers not coming up yet.  Soon there will be Kale in this bed too.  The bed in the background has blueberries next to the fence,they are kind of scraggly tho.  My lemon basil is not doing to well either :(  The cinnamon basil is doing good,as is the lettuce,so far the beets are not up yet.

The radishes are getting close to being ready!  Would you look at those tomatoes?  I sure hope that we get a good crop again this year!  The blue barrel has my chocolate mint,which is doing great.

The squash,red,and walla walla onions are doing good,as well as the elephant garlic.  My tarragon is doing okay.  What I don't get is why my peony always gets so big and bushy,but never blooms!?

Check out the sunflowers!  These are all volunteers,crazy huh?  They are doing way better than the ones I planted from seed out front!
A parting shot of Midas and his friend (the next door neighbors cat) Boo,hanging out by my two gold leaf spirea plants!


  1. Lots of yummy veggies coming soon. I've been spending time in the garden and have done hardly any knitting or crochet.

  2. All those veggies are making me hungry!


Comments from the Sunflowers