
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gees Bend quilt blocks

This month in Sew Bee Blissful we were asked to make two
Gees Bend blocks for Cindy over at Fluffy Sheep Quilting

Above is the first block.

This is the second block.
I had never heard of Gees Bend until asked to make these
blocks.  So I googled it to see what the deal was.

I found out that it is based on quilts made by women from
Gees Bend.  If you google Gees Bend you can read all about
the history of this type of quilt and the women who made

Here are my two 14.5 inch blocks and a siggy block.

I am not a big fan of just solids,but I really like how these
turned out!


  1. Lovely blocks! The Gees Bend quilt collection was in Denver a few years back and it was inspiring to see up close. Great job on the blocks!

  2. Your blocks look great! I like yours better than mine!

  3. Those look great! Right up my alley. Thanks for telling me another great block to try!


Comments from the Sunflowers