
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Quilt blocks galore ~ Oh My ;)

Here are all 29 of the blocks that I have finished for Gil's
Six more to go,and then I can start quilting them up!
Time is running out!  As we are leaving next Thursday at
lunch time!

My squares of batting all cut and waiting to be made into
a quilt block sandwich.

All 30 backing squares!

My favorite bit of mail this week :)
56 polka Dot charms,from the swap I joined last month!

If I don't post for a couple days its because lil miss Janome
and I are quilting up a storm on Gil's quilt :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Catching up & weekend sewing

Remember a while back (last month) when I messed up on
my bee blocks for Sew Bee Blissful ?

Well today when I checked the mail box the extra fabric that
Sarah  so kindly resent to me not once,but twice was there! (Since the
first time she sent more fabric it got lost in the mail)  :(

These will go out in the mail tomorrow!  So sorry they are
so late Sarah!

Next up a new bag/pouch for me :)

The dark fabric looks brown in this shot (at least on my
screen it does)  but it is actually black.

An inside shot.
I have been wanting to use this camo print in something
since purchasing it last fall for a possible fabric in the
table runner swap I was in.

Alas my partner did not like this print,oh darn ;)

The pattern I used is Lollipop by Alkinson
This was my first attempt at making a fabric
rosette.  It turned out more like a broach
than a rosette,but I like it anyway.  I added a
silver button in the center.

I also made three more blocks for Gil's quilt,which brings
my total to twenty!

Hope you all had some time for sewing this weekend :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gees Bend quilt blocks

This month in Sew Bee Blissful we were asked to make two
Gees Bend blocks for Cindy over at Fluffy Sheep Quilting

Above is the first block.

This is the second block.
I had never heard of Gees Bend until asked to make these
blocks.  So I googled it to see what the deal was.

I found out that it is based on quilts made by women from
Gees Bend.  If you google Gees Bend you can read all about
the history of this type of quilt and the women who made

Here are my two 14.5 inch blocks and a siggy block.

I am not a big fan of just solids,but I really like how these
turned out!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sugar & Spice & everything nice..

First off a much better photo of my finished
quilt top.
I have decided to call it Sugar and Spice and
everything nice :)

Saturday was The Front Range Modern Quilt Guild's
monthly meet & sew.
We had a pincushion swap,this is the pincushion that I made
to swap :)
I also finally met up with Stephanie from Spontaneous Threads !!

I was so excited to be able to finally meet up with her,and get
to talk to her in person.  I came across her blog sometime
last year.  After a few emails back and forth she invited me to
check out the FRMQG,which I did and joined!  It has taken
us this long to make it to the same meeting.

She is so talented,and inspires me to improve my sewing skills
and try new things!  Unfortunately I was late,and not able to
stay for the afternoon sew :(  However I look forward to the
next meeting and being able to get to know her better!

How do you like my new dish mat?  I was inspired by Connie
at Quilting by the River click the link for her tutorial :)

I used one of the huck towels that Gil brought home from
boot camp.  I cut it in half so that it would fit the space on
my counter.  Since it is almost spring I used some strips of
some chick fabric and some solids in spring colors!  The
pink is actually a lot softer shade,but shows up as a bright
or almost hot pink.

I tried it out after dinner and it works great!

Lastly,here are Lil miss Janome and Crabby Patty getting

Crabby Patty is my new pincushion that I received in the
swap yesterday!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Miss me?

Did you think that I fell off the face of the earth? Blogland?
Sorry about not posting all week,but I have been sewing,
ripping,resewing,re-ripping.... all week long!  The Wonky
part of my QAL top has been kicking my butt All Week
L O N G :(

The block above is my first ever paper pieced block!
It is the March block for Stash Bee  

I have been seeing a whole lot of peeps Pinning these little
microwave cakes,so thought I would try making some.

Here it is with a dollop of  carmel apple pie filling/whip
cream!  Not bad!

Super easy and no (regular) oven required :)

This is not a good photo,will try to get a good one tomorrow

This is what has been kicking my butt all Week Long!

Finished :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Last two QAL blocks

This evening I was able to finish the last two blocks for my
first QAL!
The one on the left is called quatra star,and the one on the
right is of course a Dresden Plate.

This is the first time I have ever made either of these blocks.
They are not perfect by any means,but I am really happy
with how they both turned out :)

Now to decide on the layout and sew the quilt top
together by the 18th of March,so I can be entered to
win a prize!

Wish me luck :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

And the Winner is...

First there were no correct answers/guesses as to what I
might be making with these little blocks.

Which isn't too surprising since there are countless
This is what I did with the blocks.
The Front Range Modern Quilt Guild (my guild)
gives you a blank badge/name tag holder,which each
member embellishes/decorates as she pleases :)

The great thing about it is that yo can change up your name
tag whenever you like,however you like,sweet right?!
So on to the Winner picked by Mr. Random...

Marcia W .You are the Winner!!!..
I have emailed you for your snail mail info :)

Thank you everyone for playing along and guessing!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Another one bites the dust! (UFO that is)

Remember my Modern V quilt from last
Well  it is finally finished!  Yay :)
I worked on getting this quilted and bound
for the better part of the day today.

Mr. P was busy,so I just tossed it over the fence
for the photo,as soon as I snapped it a gust of
wind blew the quilt off the fence.  LOL!
Perfect timing.

Here is a shot of it rolled up on the kitchen table.
See that glare on the table,it is the Sun!  We had a nice
taste of spring here today!  It was wonderful,I even opened
up a couple of windows for a little while :)

On Saturday I finished up this western Checkers game.
It is bigger than the previous one,not sure I like it as much.
The kings have buttons on them,white on the blue pieces,
and red on the red pieces.  I am thinking that I should have
used a different color.

However,I didn't and since it is already listed in my shop,
guess it doesn't really mater.

This set I finished up on Friday night.  I really like how this
one turned out!  It is so crisp,the pieces just stand out so
much better on it.

Here are the kings for the black and white set.

I was hoping to get my QAL block done this weekend but,
since I spent so much time on the Checkers games,the
Modern V quilt,and listing some more things in my etsy
shop,that did not happen.  So maybe Monday or Tuesday

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
You still have time to enter my Giveaway it you are
interested :)