
Monday, December 5, 2011

Sent & received Quilt blocks

The November block for my first partner.  This is the first block
that I have designed myself!
I am calling it Christmas Puzzle.

My November block received from the partner I made the block
pictured above for.
I Love all the Geese,and the snowflakes too :)

This is the block that I made for my second partner for November.
However she FM me the day before I was going to send it out to
say that she would like a block made up of red and green/traditional
Christmas colors.
So glad that I hadn't sent this out yet!!!

So I decided that since it fits in with my color scheme,this will be my
block to me :)


  1. Love the block you designed! And the block you made for your second partner is really nice too. Love the colors. I'll be interested to see how it looks in the traditional colors of Christmas.

  2. the blocks are beautiful - I love the one with the geese - I have never thought of making a pinwheel like that in the center - very cool! Your Christmas puzzle block is awesome :)


Comments from the Sunflowers