
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mini-earbud/headphone pouches

After dinner this evening was the perfect time to work on these.
They have been on my short list of projects to do!

The top one is mine,the one on the left is for Jolene,and the one
on the right is for Gil :)

Gil's is made from MARPAT fabric (Marine Patrol)
Jolene's has flower smile faces,because she always writes,
"Happy says Hi"!
Mine has little birdies!
I am thinking that I might need to make one for Jolene's hubby too.


  1. The little pouches are great. What a wonderful idea for teens, (boys and girls)as it's always so hard to come up with handmade gifts for them. Make the little pouch and add a gift card for Itunes and you're good to go.

  2. Awesome. Total spoilers! These are really cool. Who wouldn't want one?

  3. I am a relatively new reader to your blog. I love to sew, but like many, have little time for it, and not having a sewing center set up in my house adds to the difficulty.

    I am curious about where you get your patters and ideas. The ear bud pouches are a good example. What a great idea. I never though of such a thing.


Comments from the Sunflowers