
Monday, November 14, 2011

Winner,Winner!!! & Owlie Blocks too

And the winner is.....
KOcanQuilt  who said...
I would make a very pretty wastebasket for all those pesky threads! I enjoy your blog, and thank you for the chance to win. Congratulations!!! And a BIG Thank You to all of you who follow my lil blog You Rock ;)
Today was a great mail day!
I received more owlie blocks.
This is the first one out of the envelope.
Very cute little guy!

Next up is one that really pops!  Love the red on this one :)

Here are both the owl blocks and the signature block.  I love
this little signature block.
And then.....

Much to my surprise and delight!
There was this over the top block!
I am sooo keeping this block for myself.  Yep I know,you are
right.  I am being selfish,but selfish or not this baby is MINE

I had to put it on top of another fabric to get a good photo,because
my table is white,and the white was blending in to the table.

A Close~up so you can see for yourself just how Sweet this
block is :+)
Look at the detail...

I was so excited about this block that I totally forgot to add the
candy that was also in the package to the photo!   Sorry about
that :(

Hope your Monday was as Great as mine!


  1. Kwooten did such an amazing job on the owl blocks! Have you received all of them yet?

  2. Thank you so much for the fabric. I am very excited - my first fabric win! I won a Noble Wife pattern last summer. Since I don't have young children to sew for right now, I hope to make this into a quilt for the Linus Project or something like that. I am a new quilter who has very little time, but I have finished my first wallhanging and am trying to quilt my first quilt. I hope to get my blog going starting next week, so please visit.

    Again, thank you!

  3. Those Owls are turning out so great! The Santa is super cute. Whoever made that one did a great job!

  4. Love the OWL blocks. How does your block exchange work? Also.... where can I find the OWL block pattern? I may have to check that block out. Love reading up on your progress. I need to get to work... :-)


Comments from the Sunflowers