
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stockings,cozys,quilt blocks...

The Stockings were hung by the fireplace on the fence with care!
I saw these in a magazine recently,they are so flippin cute,I knew
that they were going straight to the Top of my list :+)

It took me about a day and a half to make 12 of them!  There are
8 large ones and 4 smaller ones.  The toes are what made them such
a challenge for me,especially getting the lining in properly!!
My sewing room was pretty blue with all the swearing going on
in there.  Of course it didn't help that I used flannel for the lining
I will make more but,next time I will Not be using flannel for the
These are going to the Craft Fair with me next Saturday.

Mr. P treated me (and his-self) to a Starbucks this afternoon :)
Which reminded me that cozy's were on my to sew "list".  One
of my Bloggy friends had sent me a fat quarter of each of these
prints earlier this year!  They were sitting there waiting for me to
decide what to use them to make.
Some of these will also be at my booth!
In different prints of course ;)

This is my pretty in pink block!  It is one of three that I recently
received from Jenna who is our Bee Mama!

Next up is the party girl ;)  That is what I am calling this block!
She just looks like she is wearing a party dress to me.

Here are all three blocks,both owlie blocks and the signature
block too.
Thank you Jenna,I love them all!

Know what these might be???

Every year the local Safeway store has a "Tree of Hope"  which
one of the local non-profit organizations puts up and decorates
with these paper ornaments.

Each ornament has a number and letter code on it.  Each one says
Male or Female  and the age of the person it is for.
Below that is a short list of suggested items that person needs or
could use.

Usually I take one ornament,but this year I found 2 that called out
to me :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!


  1. The stocking are soooo cute! I don't think I would have tried them, that toe looks too tricky. Loving your owlies. How is your head?

  2. Love the stockings, they are super funny. I bet you'll sell them all :) The owl does look like she's wearing a party dress. Makes you think about Christmas doesn't it when all someone wants are some household things like towels. I am also wondering how your head is doing?

  3. The stockings are so cute! can't wait to hear how the craft fair goes :)


Comments from the Sunflowers