
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Winter Stitchin projects List

Sarah over at FairyFace Designs has put up a linky just like the one
she did for summer.
I am joining in!  It was such a great way to keep me on track and
helped motivate me to get my projects finished up.

So these projects are not in any order as far as the photos go.

The picture above is fabric I have picked for making the Table Runner
for the swap I joined.  Waiting to see what comments my partner
leaves me in the group before starting tho!

Next is my box of WIP's  Do not let the size of the box fool you!
It may not look like much...
but ....
six quilt tops
two place mats
one mini-quilt
three wristletts
fabric snow flakes
I am sure that there is more but,at the moment I am drawing a blank?

Some patterns that I want/need to make up.
From left
Mug rugs ~ 1 for each of my parents for Christmas
Quilt pattern ~ hopefully Gil will like this one for the quilt he requested
Spruce it up ~ Christmas Tree mini quilt (Mr. P requested)
Tortilla warmer ~ for Jolene (part of her "B" day list)
Key fobs pattern
This~N~That patterns

Not pictured..
Also on Jolene's "B" day list
Sprocket pillows
Amanda bag
Tissue holder

This is a fun little Christmas Tree pattern made up of different
sized yoyos  (started making some already)

These are ornaments I purchased last year on clearance.
You will have to wait to see what I have in mind !

This one is for me :)
I purchased this pattern from etsy,so far have not had the time
to start on it.  It is for a credit card/loyalty card wallet.

Swap fabric from my Quilt Guild's Christmas swap.
The theme is in the kitchen.
I have decided what to make,so next week I will get busy on this one.

5 panels with 2 doll dresses each,for an 18" doll.

Shirt off my Bag bag.
This is from the Fresh Fabric Treats book.
Hoping to make up a bunch of these for Christmas.

Three bags of various size  Pinecone ornaments in progress.

Whew!  And that is the short List!
Wish me luck :)


  1. I my goodness! You are going to be so busy! I love the colors for our table swap and that Shirt of my back bag looks too cute!

  2. That is some list!!! Think it'd take me all of next year! I'll be watching to see how much you can do - you might just get a superwoman medal!

  3. Oh my gosh! I thought I had a long list, but got me beat for sure! I can't wait to see all these projects finished!!!

  4. It's official, you're nuts ; ). Have fun!
    I also love watching your progress; I live my crafty life vicariously through you.

  5. Wowee! Is that box like a clown looks small but there is like 20 things in there! You have such a great track record for gettin' things done I have no doubt you will get a ton of this stuff done!


Comments from the Sunflowers