
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some canning & a Winner!

I know this isn't really canning,but while waiting for my things
to finish in the pressure canner I made granola!
The jar on the right has the tomatoes that I dehydrated
last week.

Seven jars of salsa!
We still have about 4 or 5 left from last year to use up before
we dig into these.

The 4 jars in the back are tomato sauce.
The 6 smaller jars are tomato jam!
I know,I was thinking the same thing when reading the recipe
in my Ball Blue Book of Canning.
But I was pleasantly surprised :)
It was wonderful on my quesadilla  this afternoon :)

Vegetable soup just out of the pressure canner.

Here are the cutest lil pumpkins that I made in between batches
of canning!  You can find the tutorial here!

And now the moment you have all been waiting for!
Congratulations are in order for...
JuneBug  who said...
Sewing and crafting... it's the perfect combination at our house!
Sew,congratulations JuneBug!

A Big Thank You to everyone who entered  to win :)


  1. Yummy! I so want to geta pressure cooker so I can can, too! (hehe! Can-can)

  2. Yay for canning! I got my spicy tomato jam recipe from a blog called "food in jars". This is the address:

  3. You're keeping busy! Love all your canning, how's that pressure cooker? I've been thinking about trying one out. Glad you linked up to Eat, Grow, Sew!

  4. Thos are REALLY cute pumpkins! Would make great fall deco in my house. Now for only the time to make them!

  5. So, I'm tomato jam kinda like a gelatinous tomato sauce?
    And I like your little pumpkins, are they made of fabric?


Comments from the Sunflowers