
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Iron!

Recently during my Blog Anniversary Celebration I asked you
peeps what kind of iron you had,and your likes/dislikes about
them.  After reading your comments and doing some online research
This is the Iron that I decided on!

It is a T-Fal Ultraglide easycord 4476
I purchased it from Amazon.  It was out of stock,so I had to wait a while
until they were in stock again.
Today when I checked the mail box there it was :)

Since I haven't had a chance to use it I can't give you a review yet.
However it won't be long before I do and then will post a review
for you all :)

Hopefully I will have a much better picture then too.


  1. congrats on the new iron. i have been wanting one for ages but since getting the new machine I can't really justify buying a new iron since technically mine still works

  2. I can't wait to hear what you think! I love love love mine!!!!

  3. OOOOoo.. Pretty! New stuff is always great. We have a cheapo iron from walmart. It works though and we don't iron much so it works :)

  4. I can't wait to hear what a sewer thinks about this iron.

    I dropped my Rowenta and the steam button no longer works. Impossible to put up with this much longer.

    The Rowenta was okay. It didn't leak and was far better than the many, many less expensive irons I tried and returned.

    I've yet to find one that really gets ALL the wrinkles out of some cottons, though. I am thinking of getting the Olisa. Hurry up and get that iron going! If I can save well over a hundred dollars, that would be great.


Comments from the Sunflowers