
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baking up a Storm tonight :)

Since I have been to busy this evening to take any pictures
of my baked goodies (for a toys for tots fund raiser)
I thought that I would show you some of the goodies
from my garden instead :)

Top right~peppers
top left~yellow pear tomatos
Red tomatoes~ the one in the middle is a purple Cherokee
Yellow/orange tomatoes~Mr. Stripey

And here is my Modern V quilt top
All finished,now I need to find time to quilt it!

Want to enter my giveaway?  Go here

Will try to post some photos of all my baked
goodies tomorrow evening :)


  1. Your Modern V quilt is beautiful! I love the combo of colors. You have a great eye for color.

  2. That quilt top really turned out great! And your veggies look too good to be true. ; )

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