
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blogger Award!

 A few days ago Karen over at Sew Much 2 Luv Awarded me the Happy 101 Blogger award :)  Is that Sweet or what?! 

Here are the rules for the award:

1. Copy the award image into a post.
2. List 10 things that make you happy.
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day.
4. Put in a link to their blogs.
5. Notify the award receivers.
6. Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog.
So here we go:

10 Things that make me happy:
   1. Being Blessed with 2 of the Best kids a mom could ever hope for!
   2. Mr. P
   3. Waking up every morning
   4. Sunflowers
   5. My bloggie buddies
   6. Fabric
   7. Sewing/crafting
   8. Hanging out with my Sis
   9. Exploring new places (traveling)
  10. Nature

10 Bloggers that Always make me :+)

            (not in any particular order)
   1. Karen @
   2. Stephanie @
   3. Leslie @   
   4. Jenna @
   5. Karen @
   6. Angela & Sydney @ 
   7. MaryAnn @ 
   8. Melissa & Sunni @
   9. Kelly @
  10. Sarah @

  To all of the peeps who read my blog everyday but don't comment,Thank you!
  Everyone who visits my blog and comments,you guys also make me smile,but I could
only pick 10.  That was hard,believe me!
  I have found sew much inspiration and bloggie love here it sometimes overwhelms me :)
  So Thank you Karen,and all my other peeps too! :)
Hope you all have a awesome week!!



  1. Wow! I am so happy that we always make you smile! I love your blog too :)

  2. Thank you for having me on your link list as one of the bloggers who brightens your day. What a nice surprise! And thanks for adding a bright note to my day with your blog.

  3. Thank you so much! I'm totally thrilled and it's put a smile on my face! So sweet :)

  4. What a nice award!! Thank you!! Can't wait to pass it along to others and make them smile!

  5. Neat!! Thank you so much!! Appreciate the nice comments. Always love checking out your blog pages.
    :-) I love our blogging followers and blogging friends.


Comments from the Sunflowers