
Friday, July 1, 2011

summer project update

This evening after work I decided that it was time to take a
little break from all of my craft fair sewing.
This Zippy Strippy bag pattern was on my list of things to
do this summer.  So I pulled it out and got to work with the
one thing that always takes me the longest,in almost all of
my projects.  Picking out the fabrics that I want to use!
Of course they all came from the scrap bin :)
My favorite is the owl pouch, and then the lady bug is

What I absolutely did Not like how the zipper is put in with
this pattern.  So am going to have to figure out a better way
the next time I make these.
They are all the small size,so that I could use up some
scraps :)
Maybe next time I will try the medium & large sizes.

1 comment:

  1. Those are cute little bags. And you got all 3 done in a evening! Impressive!


Comments from the Sunflowers