
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Knotted Squares progress

Today I had some time to work on the next quilt from the Modern
Ease quilt book.

First set of strips sewn together (25)

Above strips cut into 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch strips (100)

The above strips sewed to another white 4 1/2 " strip (also 100)
The next step will be to press all these strips.
This quilt is a whole lot more involved than the first two we have
Surprisingly I am not nervous about this one (yet)!
The only thing that I am nervous about is when the time
to quilt it arrives.


  1. Please send me a photo of your finished quilt! I am sure it's going to be fantastic~ I love the bright colors and the pattern you have chosen!

  2. That is an awesome quilt pattern! Looks like fun. Are you planning to quilt it yourself? Can't wait to see it finished!


Comments from the Sunflowers