
Monday, July 4, 2011

Craft Fair update

Today was the craft fair that I have been preparing for ,for the
last 3 weeks.
We got there bright and early and set up.
My things are on the right side of the  booth,and the lady
I shared the booth with set up on the left side.

We managed to stay in the shade for most of the day :)
Which is good,because I wilt in the heat!

A close up of my pillow table and also some of my bags,and
one of my tubs with fleece blankets.

Here is the little magnetic board with the cutest little crocheted
Sun bonnet Sue's that Maggie made:)

Last but not least,the crocheted Patriotic decorations she also
made.  She gave Mr.P and I one after the fair :)
So the out come..
I made over half of the cost of an EZ-Up tent that I have been watching on
eBay! (so that I can do any craft fair I want to )
It has been an awesome day so far.
In about an hour we will be enjoying the fireworks from the comfort
of our deck :)
Happy Independence Day!!!


  1. I hope you had a successful day. I live in the Denver area and would like to see your booth when you are out working the circuit. Where was this one?

  2. It is very difficult to read your small sized font. It is so small it is hard to see what the letters are. And the font has fuzzy edges in some spots so you can easily not tell what the letters are.


Comments from the Sunflowers