
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

~ Pay It Forward ~

I found this lovely post on a blog that I follow, Sopntaneous Threads.  You can read about Stephanie's pay it forward, which I am participating in and you can pay it forward through my blog by leaving me a comment, agreeing to the following:
(hold up your hand and repeat after me…)
1. I will make a handmade something for 3 readers of my blog- (if you would like to participate in the Pay it Forward, ie: you would like to get something handmade from me, you must leave me a comment telling me that you would like to participate). I will send 3 readers something that I have made, without warning within 365 days. (Pinky swear). (You can put your hand down now).
2. So, in order for you to get something from me- you have to say that you will do the same for 3 readers of your blog, so, it follows that you should have a blog if we want to keep this "paying forward" unbroken.
3. When you receive your handmade item (from me) you MUST post about what you received on your blog, and put a picture of the Pay it Forward button in your post. (You can copy and paste it from this post
This last part is optional, but would be fun- If you like, you can post pictures and your thoughts about what you send to the 3 people who will received something from you on your blog as well. Just give it a few days to travel in the mail. You wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.
So I am excited to send something Handmade (by me) to the first 3 Followers who leave me a comment saying
that they are willing to Pay It Forward (on your blog).
You Must have a Blog(so that I can get in touch and get your snail mail info!
You also Must Not Be a NO REPLY Blogger!  Because I will not be able to email you
and get your mailing info,which also means No Handmade surprise!!

on another note...
Here is my sneak peak from last nights post.

And here is the finished project!
I am calling it "Scrappy Bag"
because it is made entirely from scraps :)

The back side.

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Comments from the Sunflowers