
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Garden goodies & 1 community service bag

Here are the very first goodies from the garden this year!
There are about 10-15 leaves of Swiss Chard (sorry my picture
didn't turn out to good)
I know what we are having for dinner tomorrow night :)

This is my first bag that I will be sending to Mary Ann & Cindy!
Check out Cindy's blog for more details on how you can help
out too!
I used some upholstery fabric to make this bag.  It is reversible
and I added a pocket from a pair of jeans that I recently had to


  1. Don't you just love goodies from the garden? Our strawberries are starting to come on and also lettuce.
    I like your idea of using a pocket from your jeans for the pocket on the bag. I have some more jeans to cut up, so I think I'll save the pockets for another project.

  2. What a cute bag! And I love the pocket :) Right now I'm waiting for my lemons to ripen on the tree my hubby bought me for our anniversary. I think there are 7 on there so far :)


Comments from the Sunflowers