
Thursday, May 19, 2011

My May Day Giveaway

This is my guest host giveaway!
You can find all the details here at

These 4 Whinny The Pooh  fabrics are the the first part of my
The two at the top are some fabric that Jolene (my daughter)
bought in Mexico and brought back for me.  I am not sure
what type of fabric it is.  It frays very easily.
The one with Eeyore is fleece, and the last one is cotton.

This pile of fleece is scraps from making fleece blankets.
There is Pink,nascar,camo,light grey and pale blue.

Lastly there are two different pieces of cotton, nascar prints.

Now for the details...
There are No Hoops to jump through, just leave me a comment
about where you are from and what you would make.
I will pick a winner on the evening of May 25th.
I will ship on May 30th.

I will ship internationally for this giveaway.
I am located in the Beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado USA
Good Luck! :-)


  1. I would make a wall hanging with the pooh fabric and pillows out of the rest. I am in Ohio, but from Arizona...LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I would make a pillow or pillow case out of the nascar fabrics if I win those. The Winnie the Pooh I'd make into a child's quilt for Project Linus. Thanks for thinking of us.

  3. Hi. Thanks for the giveaway. I would make a lap quilt

  4. Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am from Romania. I would make bags.

  5. I am in the UK. No Nascar fabric over here, so that is fun! :)

  6. From texas, I would make a cute purse.

  7. I'm from NY. I'm not sure what I would make from some of the fabric, but the Nascar fabrics would definitely go to make wallets for some of my male cousins because they love watching Nascar, and honestly buying gifts for boys is hard!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    crazyncrafty (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. I'm from TX and I would most likely make some sort of blanket.

  9. I just want the Pooh Bear prints. My 4 year old love Pooh! I will let him help me choose what to make if I get it.

  10. I would make a purse or a quilt for my daughter with the Pooh fabrics, she just loves EEyore oh and she is 37 from fl

  11. Thanks for the giveaway, I would make toys for my Christmas charity. I adore the nascar prints

  12. I like the Winnie the Pooh patterns. They would be just right for a little something for my 1yo grandson.

  13. Hey - another Coloradoan! Whoo Hoo! And we love Pooh at our house - so I'm excited!

  14. I'm from Ohio. I would make something for my sons...8 years old and 11 months old, so one who likes nascar, and one who likes winnie the pooh :) Thanks!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I am from Maryland. These would go into kids quilts I think, Thanks!

  17. Hello,
    I like making baby quilts and I have to make my DH a quilt so these fabrics would be put to a good use. I am from PA

  18. I would make a baby quilt, and hello from utah

  19. Thanks for the giveaway. It's lovely.

    atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
    I am from ontario and i would make a quilt

  20. My husband would love something made from the NASCAR fabric. He loves Dale Junior! I'd probably make a pillow for him :-)

  21. Hello from Melbourne, Australia! I love to make small items like purses, totes and fabric coasters. :)

  22. What a great giveaway! I love the fabric. I live in Germany and I have never seen here such a lovely Pooh fabric. It would be perfect to make a I spy quilt for my three year old.

  23. Howdy! I am originally from Paris, Ky. I now reside on Lake Erie, in PA. I have lived in Colorado Springs, Nashville TN, Loraine and Oberlin Ohio, Fort Worth and Dallas TX, Baltic CT, and Punxsutawney PA. I don't think I left anywhere out! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  24. I'm from the UK and I'd make a baby quilt!

  25. Oh my goodness! You blog made me so happy when I clicked over. Sunflowers are my favorite!

  26. I'm from the US and would probably make a mini rag quilt with the baby prints!

    zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

  27. Thanks for the generous giveaway!
    I loves the gifts^^
    I will make small patchwork project like wrislet, pencil case and also wallet using those :)

  28. hello from Singapore! I would love to make a fleece blanket! I love the feel of fleece, it's a bit warm for our weather, but there's always airconditining!

  29. I'm from Alberta near the Rocky Mountains. I would make kids quilts or blankets with the fabric! I love anything Pooh Bear.

  30. thanks for the chance! I'm reading you from Ireland

  31. How fun! I would make a sweet gift for my niece!
    I'm from oklahoma. Thanks for the chance to win.
    jacy468 at aim dot com

  32. Thank you! I would make something fot my son) Im from Ankara/Turkey

  33. i am from san diego

    i would love to make a bunch of stuff for my home and kids to begin with

    thanks for the giveaway


  34. I'm in Finland. I think I'd like to make pillowcases.
    Blogger's not working for me today, so I'll try being anonymous! shirleyssalad (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. I am from utah and I would make fabric flowers.

  36. Oooh baby stuff like blankets (so many upcoming babies in the family!)... mixing textures is good for babies, they say!

  37. I'm from Winnipeg, Canada and I would make ... hmmm... well it will be something awesome for my 4 year old out of the Nascar stuff and something awesome for my 2 year old girl out of the Winnie The Pooh prints :)

  38. I'm from NZ, and my daughter just adores Winnie the Pooh

  39. I live in the UK and I am currently making lots of baby things...blankets, burb cloths, name it, so those fabrics would probably go the same way. x

  40. I live in Oklahoma. With this fabric I would make a pillowcase or some quilt squares. It would be easy to make something awesome with this fabric. Thank you for the chance to win this.

  41. Hi from California! I love the Winnie the Pooh fabrics. I have already made one Winnie the Pooh quilt for my friend's daughter, and would love to make more because I am expecting a niece or nephew (don't know which yet) in the fall.

  42. I am from Washington State (USA) and I would definitely use the Nascar prints to either make or trim a pillowcase for my nephew. Love the Winnie the Pooh, but I'm not sure what I would make with it.

  43. hi! i'm from ohio and i'd be making something for my soon to be born niece. :-)

  44. Hi, I'm from Sydney, Australia and I'd love to make some tote bags. Thanks!

  45. winnie the pooh screams my neice! I would make something - a wall hanging for her nursery, a ball from a pattern i recently received... lots of ideas flowing in my head :0


  46. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd make a couple of baby blankets.

  47. Isn't fleece awesome? I'd make puzzle balls! :)

  48. I'm from Texas and would probably make a blanket or busy bag.

    crystalarcand (at) gmail (dot) com

  49. Something for me, actually, from the Pooh stash, tote bag, methinks. Totes for others from the rest!

  50. I am from utah and would like to make a crayon holder

  51. I would make clothes and quilts for my children with these fabrics. They both love Winnie the Pooh.

  52. I'm from Croatia, Europe; I'd make a couple of baby blankets for charity.

  53. Some of this looks perfect for small baby blankets. I'm not sure what I would do with the NASCAR prints... Thanks for a chance to win.

  54. I'm from northern Maine. Those fabrics would make great cuddle blankets...maybe crayon rolls for the older boys who are into racing....always room for ideas...

  55. I'm in FL! I'd make gifts and clothes for my kids.. and my husband because he loves NASCAR :)
    mtrand2 at gmail dot com

  56. Thanks for the giveaway!


  57. I am from Pennsylvania and I would make a table mat for my daughter who loves Winnie the pooh. She could take it to school with her to use on a table there. She is the teacher , not the student.

  58. Hello from northeast Ohio! I would make a baby quilt for my granddaughter, whose nursery is Winnie the Pooh themed!

  59. I'm from Canada. :) I'd make a patchwork drawstring bag for my boy's cars!

  60. Lovely giveaway.With that cute Winie Pooh fabric I would make bag or something else for my daughter.Greetings from Serbia.

  61. I'm from Connecticut! I would make a blanket for my soon to be nephew.

  62. I am from Washington. I want to piece a quillow.

  63. How fun is all of this!! I love it!

  64. This is great! I'm from NJ and my sister's favorite thing in life is Pooh. I'm not sure what I'd make, but I'd have to make something for her son, definitely.

  65. I'm from California and I would love that pooh bear fabric. It's so cute! I dont know what I'd make, but it would be something very cute!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I'm from BC, Canada! What a great lot of fabric! I'd love to make pj shorts for my boys out of the Nascar fabric and some baby stuff out of the Pooh fabric for our neighbors that just had a baby. Thanks for a chance to win!

  68. I live in Pasadena, MD and love Pooh!!!! KERIHAG at YAHOO dot COM

  69. Adorable prints. I think I would make totes, or perhaps gift bags.

    1. Yikes, guess I should read the dates next time. I had followed a link from Garden Stew.


Comments from the Sunflowers