
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hard Hat deco

Mr. P came home this evening and plunked this down on the
kitchen table.
He said "honey I need your help"
Could you please put some flames or something on this for

So I dug around in my stash,I knew I had some fabric with
flames on it somewhere!
This is the one he picked out of the two I found.

I also added his name with some scrapbook stickers and the
number 1(because according to him,he is # 1)!

Here is a sneak peak of the sewing that I was also able to
get done this evening :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Tribute

Honor Our Military
Let’s honor our military,
The men and women who serve,
Whose dedication to our country
Does not falter, halt or swerve.
Let’s respect them for their courage;
They’re ready to do what’s right
To keep America safe,
So we can sleep better at night.
Let’s support and defend our soldiers,
Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
Whose discipline we can’t imagine,
Who follow each order and rule.
Here’s to those who choose to be warriors
And their helpers good and true;
They’re fighting for American values;
They’re fighting for me and you.
By Joanna Fuchs

GiL ~
This poem is dedicated to YoU
YoU are My HeRO

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Max & Whiskers Finally finished!!

My quilt sandwich all pined on the kitchen floor.

Ta Da!  I so wanted to take a picture of the finished quilt
outside today.  However the wind was so bad that it was
not happening :( 
So I had to settle for a pic on the bed.

Here is a close-up.
I am soo happy with how my binding turned out!  This is the first
Ever time that I can say that :)
It is not perfect by  any matter of means,that being said it is as
close to perfect as I have ever come!
The corners look pretty good and there aren't any spots where I
didn't catch the binding when sewing it on the back! 

This is the back side.
I just did straight line quilting.
When I was making the blocks for the front side of the quilt I
somehow made one too small.  I wanted to incorporate into
the quilt.  Finally the thought occurred to me to use it on the
back side.
So I cut it in half and then used a decorative stitch to sew them
on the backing in opposite corners.

This is the top left side (for some reason both
of these pictures came out sideways in the post)
I sewed a M on it for Max!

This is the bottom right corner.
This one has a W sewed on  for whiskers!
Now I can check this off of my summer projects
list :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birds & a Doctor?

If you remember not to long ago I posted about this bird
Well as you can see it was a big hit with the little birds in our

These two birds seemed to be saying "Hey stop with the pictures
already and fill the jar"!

These are some of the gourds that I am trying to grow this
year in the garden!
If they do well I will have some cool new fall crafts to work on
this year :)

Here are Jolene and her DH yesterday after
We now have a Doctor in the family :)
They are heading off to Indiana the first week
in June,because that is where he will be doing his
Jolene will be going back to school to earn her PHD
in Biology!
I will miss Her sooo much (sad face) :(

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Drum Roll Please!!

The winner is...
                              Principeta!  Who said,

Lovely giveaway.With that cute Winie Pooh fabric I would make bag or something else for my daughter.Greetings from Serbia.

Thank you All very much for entering my giveaway and leaving me such wonderful comments!  Also a Big thank you to my New Followers :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

mason/canning jar bird feeder tutorial

Tomorrow is Giveaway Day!
click here to go to my giveaway post!
Be sure to visit Sew Mama Sew's blog
for the list of all the giveaways :)

Here is the mason/canning jar you will need for this project.

This chick feeder is what you will need for the base of your
bird feeder.  You can find these at your local Home & Ranch,
or Feed Store. (not sure what the actual name of it is tho)

Mr. P is drilling the hole in the center bottom
of the mason jar.  You will need a 5/16" Carbide
Tipped drill bit,for glass,tile & ceramics.
You will also need a 3/16x2 eye bolt, used to
attach the plate to the jar.

Mr. P drilling the hole in the bottom of the glass
I found this pretty plate yesterday at a yard sale!
You don't need any specific size plate.  Just one that
catches your eye :)  yard Sales and Thrift stores are
great places to look!  You might also find something
in your own cupboard that you no longer use.

The last things you will need are bird seed, and some
type of hanger.  We used an old piece of small link chain.
You could use plastic coated wire (like what is used for clothes
line) or string or twine.
To fill your bird feeder with seed, turn the jar upside down
and remove the chick feeder base.  Pour in the bird seed,
then re-attach the chick feeder and quickly turn right side up.

Here are my two new bird feeders in our little apple tree!
Now if Mr. Squirrel will stay out, Ha Ha!
I am hoping that the plate will help keep him out :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rocks,Sunflowers,Care packages & Yard Sales

Check out my may giveaway

This is my rock garden, almost all put back together!
Last weekend Mr. P & I took out every Single ROck!  Cleaned
out all the leaves and debris and then started to put them back.
I say started, because we both had to give-up when we were
about 2/3 of the way done putting the rocks back.
We had sore backs and legs for the first half of the week.
Now we just have to get the sand for the path around &
also the path to the apple tree.

This is where my sunflower garden goes every year.  This
evening I planted them all!  you can't see them to well
because the tallest ones are only around 3 inches high so far.
This year I took some of my rocks and bordered all of my
flower beds with them.
I put some of my pinwheels here too!  But I need to make some

Here are the items Mr. P & I are including in the
care package we will be sending to our Marines.
It is the least we can do for them, seeing ALL
That They DO for Us!!!
Visit Sage Endeavors for more details, or if you
would like to send a care package too :@)

Last but not least, Yard Sales!
These are 5 simplicity panels with 2 dresses on each for 18"
dolls.  Not pictured is more fabric (that is in the wash) that
I Picked up from a free box at one of the yard sales!!
I also found some kool jars to make solar lights with!
Didn't have any sewing time today,but hopefully tomorrow :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sprocket Pillows

Be sure to enter my giveaway

Yay,another summer project done. Check!

I really love how these turned out,they were so easy to make

I found the pattern over at Cluck Cluck Sew  You should
go check it out :-)

Side view, showing off my black and white dot fabric!
I am definitely going to make more of these pillows :-)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My May Day Giveaway

This is my guest host giveaway!
You can find all the details here at

These 4 Whinny The Pooh  fabrics are the the first part of my
The two at the top are some fabric that Jolene (my daughter)
bought in Mexico and brought back for me.  I am not sure
what type of fabric it is.  It frays very easily.
The one with Eeyore is fleece, and the last one is cotton.

This pile of fleece is scraps from making fleece blankets.
There is Pink,nascar,camo,light grey and pale blue.

Lastly there are two different pieces of cotton, nascar prints.

Now for the details...
There are No Hoops to jump through, just leave me a comment
about where you are from and what you would make.
I will pick a winner on the evening of May 25th.
I will ship on May 30th.

I will ship internationally for this giveaway.
I am located in the Beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado USA
Good Luck! :-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May Day Giveaway / Max & Whiskers quilt top

Over at Sew,Mama,Sew they are having a
May Day Giveaway on May 23rd
You can either be a Giveaway Host,or
an eager participant!

I am planing on being a Giveaway Host,so will post
about what I am going to giveaway tomorrow,Thursday May 19th

This evening I was able to finish sewing together the top of
my Max & Whiskers quilt.  I am going to try to get the binding
all sewed together tomorrow after work,we will see how that

Here is a close-up!  I wanted to take a picture outside,but it
is windy and raining.  So had to use the bed instead.
I am hoping that my batting arrives by Saturday so that I can
work on it this weekend.

On another note, I am soooo bummed because the things
that I sent to my mom for Mothers Day never arrived!!
So I think that I am going to make duplicates and resend them :(
Although now I am a little Leary about sending them again!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finally Finished!!!

Here it is Finally!
I posted about this quilt way back in February,here yikes!
Anyway, here it is.  This quilt is for my Big Sis :)
I am glad that it is finished, not only because now I can send
it to T, but because it was a pain from start to finish.
It certainly isn't a anywhere near as perfect as I had
hoped :(  But I also know that she will love it in spite
of all the flaws it has.
Even tho I loaded this pic twice, it still came out
sideways :(
This is a mug rug that I made using scraps
from the quilt.  It also didn't turn out as nice
as I had hoped it would.
Sigh, maybe one of these days I will be able to
bind things without them turning out looking
like they got in a fight with the sewing machine!
This is the only thing that I am very happy with :)
It is a coaster, that T can use for her tea cup at her desk.
So now I can go sew without feeling guilty about
not having this finished and shipped!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Max and Whiskers quilt progress & PIF

Here are my 6 1/2 x 42 strips all sewn together.

My strips cut into 8 1/2 x 13 blocks

Blocks with a strip added on the side, waiting to be pressed.

All pressed!
The next step is to square up my blocks to 12 1/2 x 12 1/2
For the Pay ~ It ~ Forward
Jennifer over at That girl... That quilt...  is having a PIF
and I got in on it just in the nick of time!
The way it works is.. add your name to the list, the name below yours
is the person you pay it forward to.  Then you pick 2 other peeps,
either from blog land or in your community.  You have a year to
complete your pay it forward!
Check out Jennifer's blog for all the details.


  I am joining a Pay It Forward party!  Click for details.  Will add more details soon :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Solar Lights & other stuff

So I saw a tute on a linking party for how to make these very
cool solar lights!  The problem is that for the life of me I can
Not remember which party or who's blog it was on!

I want to give credit, so if anyone knows please let me know
so that I can post a link and give credit.
These were so easy and fun to make!  In the tute they used
half pint mason/canning jars, but I just used jars from my
collection.  (I had bought lots of different jars when I was
making bath salts.

Here is the start of  our garden :)  This year I decided that we
would have raised beds.  One of our neighbors gave us all the
wood, he works for cdot(Colorado Department of Transportation).
Since these were last years they couldn't use them!!!
We ran out of light so didn't get everything planted, and had
to finish today. 
But I forgot to take pictures when we finished.

This is my Max & whiskers quilt all cut out, Yay!  I am so happy
that I was able to get it all cut this weekend! 
The mat underneath was a Mothers Day present to myself!
Leaning up against the table is a metal carpenters yard stick, which
is actually 47 inches long.  Perfect for sewing since most fabric
is 44-45 inches wide.  Mr. P bought it for me, because I have been
using a old piece of molding.  As the longest acrylic ruler I had was
only 18 inches long.

While at the apple blossom festival this weekend we found
this spinner.
The picture didn't turn out very well.  It has the Marine Cop.
emblem on it and says, United States Marine Corps.
Hope everyone else had as nice a Mothers Day weekend as
I did!