
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Climb to Conquer Hike

Today was the Climb To Conquer Cancer Hike.
For some reason (?) my pictures loaded backwards!
So according to all of the weather forecasts we were supposed to
have really bad weather.
The predictions were...Cold,Windy, Rain/Snow
Well as you can see they were wrong!

We woke-up to sunny sky's!
A bit of a breeze and 45 degrees.
Here are Jolene, Mr. P, and me at the top of S Mt.

Here I am looking west, at Monarch Mt. and also the Collegiate

This is looking south at the Swatch range, with part of Salida
in the foreground.

Here are Jolene and Mr. P posing off to the side of the building
at the top.

Here I am standing on the road and looking up at the little

Another picture of part of the building and Mr. P

Looking east at more of the Swatch range of Mts.

This is looking at downtown Salida.  The small square of
pavement is a parking area west of the park where we started
our hike.

This is the "S" hence the name S Mt.  This is lighted up at night,
it alternates the white "S" & a Red heart, which is not visible
except at night.
At the beginning of December, after the "Parade of Lights"
Santa Claus throws the switch that lights up a Christmas Tree
complete with decorations!

Here I am at the parking lot looking up at "S" Mt.

This is looking down the Arkansas River (which runs next to
the park) next to Riverside park.

This is looking up river.
It took us about an hour and forty five minutes to hike up and
back down.
We then walked around the down town, as I wanted to go to the
book store, and Mr. P wanted to go to the Mountain sports store.
Neither of us found what we were looking for :(
So we went home and had lunch :)
The rest of the day was spend hanging out with Jolene :)

Hope you had a awesome day too!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

To Die for Give-away

So I was over at the FairyFace Designs blog the other day and
before leaving posted a comment.  When she replied back
she gave me a heads up that she would be having a Give-

Well let me tell you it is a doozy of a give-away!!!

All of the fabric in the pictures above and below are included
in the give-away!

She calls this a Scrap Give-away!

I call it a Scrap Stash Give-away!
Winning this would be like winning the Fabric Lottery!

She is also throwing in this super sweet
bag pattern as a added bonus!  Yikes!!!
You better hurry up and get over there
and enter :)
You wouldn't want to miss out on this
Mother Load of scraps!
Good Luck :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mommy on the go bag

A while back I bought a panel at Joann's that had this bag
printed on it.
The fabric was pretty thin, but I didn't mind because I only
wanted it for the pattern.
Yesterday I cut out the pattern and then used it to cut out
2 more only with different fabric from my stash.

The kit was actually called "Go Baby Go"  It is designed to be
a diaper bag.
It is also reversible, this is the other print that I chose to use.
Each side has a pocket.
I usually have a hard time with patterns, but this was a breeze
to make!
Love how it turned out & hope to get the other one made
tomorrow.  Also hope to at least get started on my Mom's
gift for Mothers Day :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter with Maxine?

So this is what it looked like outside this Easter Sunday!
The snow melted off in short order, and the rest of the day
it has drizzled off and on.
which is fine because we need the moisture.

Here are the Maxine Napkins that I finished
sewing this morning.
There are 3 sets of 8 napkins each, and then
6 that I am keeping.

Here are the back sides of all the napkins.  I
tried to pick a coordinating color for the backside
of each napkin.
Which made me realize that I need some yellows,
reds, and pinks for my stash!

Here are 5 of the 9 different Maxine sayings
that are on the front of each napkin.

These are the other 4 Maxine sayings on the front side of
each napkin.
I should have had 4 sets of 8 napkins.  However the person
who cut the fabric either for me, or for the person before me,
cut through some of the squares, and I wasn't able to use
them.  Grrr Hate it when that happens!  Because you know that
I had to pay for All the fabric.
Oh well, I still love how my napkins turned out :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bake Sale Success

  The bake sale was a smashing success.  We ended up selling almost everything, what we didn't sell the store manager bought and put in the break room for everyone to enjoy.  Everything I baked sold :)  Yay!!
  So the grand total for this bake sale was $660.00 !  The last bake sale we made $580.00!
Grand Total $1,240 :)  How cool is that?
  The Climb to Conquer Cancer is next Saturday April 30th.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cancer bake sale goodies

I'm Baked!  Came home from work early today to do a bunch
of baking for our second Cancer bake sale.
Just finished a few minutes ago, whew!  I am about ready to
fall into bed :)
4 loaves of Herb Cheese bread (recipe here )
6 loaves of Cheddar English Muffin Bread (recipe here )
11 3/4 pound packages of Key Lime fudge (recipe here )
6 packages of Lemon Blueberry Scones (recipe at Rocknrecipes )
6 packages of Cherry,Triple Berry & Sunflower seed Scones
Yummy Overload!
Wish me luck at the bake sale tomorrow!

Monday, April 18, 2011

And the Winner is... (Drum Roll, Please)

No this squirrel isn't the winner!  However I couldn't resist
posting this pic of him/her.  It was up in the big tree in the back
yard the other day :)
Now on to the Winner!
Quiltpecan # 3  who said...

Hey there!! Exciting to see your 100th post. Very generous giveaway too!! Awesome! Congrats my friend!!

The fabrics.... the bright fab is so cute and I would have to share it with my friend Sydneykatt and we would make something for the TRIPLETS!!

I love the Debbie Mumm Fabric and have been looking for projects using Jelly Rolls, so I'm undecided on that!

The Snap Happy pattern. I've seen those... such a neat idea and definitely appealing to make it "stand up"

Thanks again and congrats!!!

And the runner-up, that's right I said runner-up!
The runner-up is Rocknquilts!
So I am also going to send you something

So Lady's if you would be so kind as to send me your snail mail
info I will get your goodies sent out this week! :)

I would love to thank everyone who entered my giveaway :)
I enjoyed reading all of your comments about what you would
do with the fabric.
By the way, I would appreciate it if someone would leave me a comment
on how/where to get a random number generator.  That way next time I
don't have to draw numbers out of a hat!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chicken Salad & Lemon Scones too!

Chicken Salad in the making.
One 12 oz. can of chicken
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
2 stalks of celery
15-20 grapes
1 leaf of kale
1/4 sm. red onion
Sliced almonds (3-6 oz.)

Open and drain chicken.
chop celery,red onion,grapes, and kale,add to bowl with chicken.
Add mayonnaise and almonds, mix together.
Enjoy on bread of your choice!
These are my Lemon Blueberry Scones, don't they look
Well let me tell you they are! :)
The recipe for these can be found over at my friends blog
RocknRecipes here
She has the best recipes!  You don't know what you are missing
if you don't hop over there and check some them out.
Well what are you waiting for???

Growing your own Sprouts

You will need  wide mouth canning jars, with rings and
a piece of screen to fit inside the ring.  I cut up some old screen
we had and used it, until I found the lids pictured above at
a health food store.
Of course you will need some sprouting seeds too!
My favorite are Radish and Red Clover, however there are
lots of different kinds to chose from.
This time I am using Clover and Bean Salad sprouts.
The black tray pictured had pre-made hamburger patties in it
But it works great for draining the excess water from the jars.

The first step is to pour enough seeds into your jars to cover
the bottom of the jar.  My jars are quart sized, but you can
use pint size if you want less sprouts.

Next you will add 3-4 inches of cold water to cover the seeds,
and then set aside over night.

In the morning, set your jars in the sink and let cold water
run into the jar for about 30 seconds to 1 minute to rinse the
seeds thoroughly.  Then, turn upside down and let the water
drain out.  After you have drained out all the water place in the
tray, with the top of the jar facing down.  This way any remaining
water can drain out.
Place in a sunny window, or on the counter where there is lots of
You will need to rinse your seeds every morning and every evening
for 4-7 days, depending on the amount of sunlight and how hot it is,
until they are ready.  (in the summer it takes less time, as it it much

This is day 4 of my sprouting process.  As you can see the
Clover seeds are sprouting faster than the Bean Salad
sprouts are.  Some seeds sprout faster than others.

Day 6
My Clover sprouts are ready!  It will be another day before
the Bean Salad sprouts are done.

So here I am about ready to take my Clover sprouts out and
use them on a sandwich!
If you love sprouts and have a little patience, you can grow them
yourself, year round.  Although most people use them on salads,
they can be used on or in other dishes too.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Surpise Gift & craft containers

Check out this Way Kool purse/bag that came in the mail
This is the surprise gift.  Mary Ann over at Rock'nQuilts
sent it to me :0)  She is the sweetest lady!
I posted a comment on her blog a couple of
weeks ago, that I loved this bag!
I Love it even more in person!!

The card she made and sent with it is just the sweetest too!
The caption in the middle of the card says:
Friends are like purses...
You cannot have too many of them!
So true.
Thank you soooooo Much Mary Ann :)
This is my New Fave bag!!!

You have inspired me to pay it forward!
Will be posting on that soon :)
Visit Rock'nQuilts here

Now the craft containers
I found these little containers a couple weeks ago at the
dollar store.
This evening I pulled them out, along with some buttons and
other crafty stuff.
First I Modge Podged a small square of fabric onto the lid
of each one.  Then I hot glued on buttons, and whatever
else looked good to me!

Here you can see the whole container!  This was a fun little
project :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

100th post & my first Giveaway!!

Here is my first Snap Happy bag :)  I am so happy with how
it turned out.  Although I have to confess, I added my own
twist!  The bag is supposed to lay flat, but I made it so it
can sit up like a regular purse.
Now to the fun stuff!  Here is a picture of the giveaway!
The first one is the Snap Happy pattern that Carol over
at Carol's Creations so generously shared with me!
visit her blog here
The second item is a bundle of 7 fat quarters!
Pictured above, they are prints by Phyllis Dobbs
These are really cute kid prints :)
4 Bird by Debbie Mumm
4 wood grain by Debbie Mumm
4 branches/ wood motive by Debbie Mumm
4 orange
Above is the third part of my giveaway, a jelly roll
with 16 strips of fabric 2.5 inches wide, by the length
of the fabric.
Now for the blah, blah part...
To win
leave me a comment telling me what you would make
with the fabric!
(this will count as one entry)

If you are able to donate $5.00 towards my cancer climb
to conquer.
click the donate for the cure button on my left sidebar
and donate.  (this will count as 2 entries)
If you donate, leave me another comment letting me
know that you did.
Post about my giveaway on your blog with a link
back to this post.  (this will count as 1 entry)
So there are up to 4 chances for you  to win :) Giveaway winner will be announced on April 18th
Good Luck!

Monday, April 11, 2011

I've got mail!!

So I entered the giveaway over at 1choice4quilting last week.
And since I am not a very lucky person, I decided to pop on
over to her website and purchase the fabric just in case I
didn't win.  Which I didn't :(
But that is okay because this is what was in the mail today!
There are the 16 fat quarters I ordered of the Donna Dewberry
Then being the awesome person she is she sent me extra
goodies too!
My extra goodies are a thank you card, with a personal note.
A package of sewing machine needles, and a too cute sewing
Thank You so much Shawna! :)

On another note...
votes are in & Fabric it is!
I will be having my very first giveaway this week!
I wanted to also giveaway something
that I had made & I still might. :)
So even though I Won't be giving any
of THIS Fabric away (sorry)  I will
be giving some other fabric away :)

Blogiversary Giveaway at prsd4tim2:

Hey my fellow bloggers!  Here is another chance
to win some fabric for your stash!!
Hop on over to the prsd4tim2: blog to enter :)
Good Luck!
Hop here

Sunday, April 10, 2011

GiveAway at Kool Beenz # 2

Don't these fabrics just scream SUMMER? Yep
I think so to! 
If you would like to win these super delicious
fat quarters, Fly on over to Kool Beenz blog and
check out how to make these yours!
Jet over here

Oh Baby ! Yo Yo's

I found this little hamper at the thrift store last summer.  It was
a steal at $3.00! 
It had some very dirty fabric and matching trim on it when I
purchased it, which I took off and replaced with the ladybug
fabric.  Then it sat in a corner of my sewing room, because I
just couldn't find any trim to go with the ladybug fabric.
So while straightening up my sewing room on vacation a thought
occurred to me , why not use yo yo's instead of trim?

So after looking through my stash and finding some fabrics
that would work, this is what I came up with!
After making all the yo yo's I plugged in the glue gun and
got to work.
First I glued some sheer white ribbon left over from  making Jolene's
wedding bouquet, then on went the yo yo's!

Here is a close-up shot!  It turned out so cute!
linking to DIY project parade & Sew darn crafty