
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Twin Silo's?

  Actually these are two loafs of bread freshly baked!
Recently while reminiscing about my childhood, I told my husband about how we never had store bought bread, unless we were visiting grandma & grandpa or at a church pot-luck.  Mom raised four kids on her own, so we grew up on welfare.
  Anyway, mom only had two loaf pans for making bread, and as you can imagine that wasn't nearly enough.  So she used whatever she could get her hands on.  It just so happened that we would receive commodities once or twice a month.  And there would always be a can or two of juice.  Mom figured if a metal loaf pan would bake bread, why not a metal juice can?
  We would all fight over who got to have the heels!  Imagine kids nowadays doing that!  LOL NOT!
Anyway long story short, my husband promptly went to the store and bought two cans of juice.  When he came back home he said "Honey, look what I bought.  Will these work?  Yep, they sure did!


  1. Oh, I need the recipe for this! It's like making your own English Muffins!

  2. I will try to get it posted in the next day or so.
    Right now I'm off to my sewing room!

  3. on second thought, you should use the Cheddar English Muffin Bread recipe I have posted here on my blog. It would be great!

  4. This is an awesome idea!
    I have never broke down and bought a bread pan. I bairly ever make bread. I have a small space I like to call my home, and try to keep it simple. :) I will totally think of you next time I make bread!
    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

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