
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fabric covered journals GALORE!

  So Sunday was a very busy day indeed!  After doing the usual house work it was time to get busy in my craft/sewing room!  (a little me time)
There was a stack of composition notebooks (22) awaiting my attention.  The fabric had already been cut the evening before in preparation for this moment.  Also the cereal box grade cardboard for inside the front & back covers had already been cut to size.
  With fabric adhesive and disposable gloves (because the adhesive is quite sticky after a short time) in hand I prepared to conquer the stack of notebooks.
  About two thirds of the way through I ran out of the fabric spray adhesive. so had to stop and make a quick trip to walmart to get another can.  That accomplished, it was back to the task at hand. 
  21 fabric covered journals later I stood back to survey my handiwork!  After stopping to fix dinner, it was time to type up the buy-it now listing for my store.  Upon getting the listing typed up and inserted it was time to get some things that had sold packaged and and ready to ship.
  All in all it was a very productive Sunday.  See a journal that you can't live without?  They are all for sale in my store!


  1. Love it, these are awesome. You have some really unique prints there as well. These would make great spiritual journals, or a creative chemistry/biology lab notebook.

  2. Thank you! I hope to get more done and listed, but since I really need to make these outside that won't be for a while yet.
    They are nice, I made a few for myself to use for important eBay info!


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