
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year

  After having only one day off this last weekend I am ready for the New Years weekend to get here.  Mostly because it will be a 3 day weekend for me.  Yay!  Also we will be celebrating Christmas late because Jolene and her husband spent Christmas with his side of the family.  So we postponed  our celebration until New Years weekend. 
  Since Gil is still home for another week yet.  He leaves on January 4 to go back out to California.  He will be starting his basic infantry training at Camp Pendelton.  Sad face!  Oh well I shouldn't complain because he got to be home for a whole month.  The reason being, he got recruiters assistant.  Which meant that he got to be here for a month instead of the 10 days new Marines usually get after boot-camp.  Happy face!
  So any way two more days of getting up at five thirty am, then I can sleep in for 3 days in a row. :)

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