
Sunday, April 3, 2011


This picture was taken just after sunrise, from the small mountain
overlooking our town.
The word is Gil's nickname, which he carved in the railing to
leave his mark, like all the others before him.
Mr. P and me, taken at our property, where we hope to build
a house and retire "someday".
Jolene snapped this one of me taking in the sunshine and
enjoying nature!
Looking west from the hill on our property.
Here is one of the smaller of the many boulders on our property.
You can just see my car through the branches of the trees.

Here you can see the car again, and part of the road and house

Kelly (Jolene's hubby) is standing by a small aspen tree at
the entrance to an old mine shaft.  This is just below where
I took the last picture from.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning views! WOW! I just visited your Emporium eBay store and was so happy to find a USAF blanket!!! My DH was in the USAF for 24 years and our little boy is going to love using it! Where were you able to find that fabric? I've never seen it before. Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts


Comments from the Sunflowers