
Friday, April 22, 2011

Bake Sale Success

  The bake sale was a smashing success.  We ended up selling almost everything, what we didn't sell the store manager bought and put in the break room for everyone to enjoy.  Everything I baked sold :)  Yay!!
  So the grand total for this bake sale was $660.00 !  The last bake sale we made $580.00!
Grand Total $1,240 :)  How cool is that?
  The Climb to Conquer Cancer is next Saturday April 30th.  


  1. Wow! That is FANTASTIC!!! Maybe you should start a Sunflower Patch Recipes blog, too, or one with fund raising tips!

  2. I knew all your yummy food was going to sell. Congratulations on a wonderful sale!

  3. Congrats! You made such good stuff! I am going to make the herb bread next week.
    The chicken salad was fabulous! I agree you need a recipe blog...LOL!


Comments from the Sunflowers