
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pink Panther throw pillows & song bird flower pots

These throw pillows were so much fun to make!  I had the two different
fabrics in my stash,and had been thinking of what to make using the
Pink P fabric.  While looking through my fabric the pink & brown floral
print just jumped out!
I didn't plan to use them together, but they make a perfect pair!  I added
coordinating buttons to the centers of the yo yo's used for the straps.
After spend the morning outside doing some spring yard work,
I came inside to work on these flower pots.
A few months ago I made my mom some shopping bags with this
song bird print.  The leftover scraps were a great way to add a
decorative touch to these plain flower pots!
I just cut them to the right size and then Modge Podged them on!
Linking with The DIY project parade & Sew Darn Crafty Party & Giveaway


  1. Wow,this is a great idea for plain ole terra cotta pots. Wonder if it would work with pots currently in use. I have some orange pots that I painted blue, but since I didn't put a protective coat on the outside, the paint scratches off easily. maybe I'll put some cute fabric on them instead!

  2. And wow, those pillows are intense, bright eye-catching fabulous!


Comments from the Sunflowers