
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cornmeal Pancakes w/chili and sour cream

This is what we had for breakfast today.  Yum!
Mr. P (hubby) loves pancakes, and Mrs. P (me) loves waffles.
So this is the compromise we came to!
These pancakes are a lot lighter than regular pancakes, which is why
I like them.  They don't sit on my stomach for half the day like regular
pancakes seem to do.
Anyway these are a quick and easy meal to prepare, which is an added plus!
If you like to make breakfast for dinner, like we do, this is a great recipe for
that.  It is also a great Brunch recipe!
So without further ado, here is the recipe!

Cornmeal pancakes w/chili & sour cream topping
3/4 cup pancake or Bisquick mix
1/2 cup cornmeal
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 cup grated cheese
green onion (for garnish)
1 can chili beans
3/4 cup salsa (optional)
sour cream
Mix the first 5 ingredients to make the batter, set aside while your pan or griddle
heats up.  Chop or slice your green onion and set aside.  Mix Chili Beans and
Salsa together and heat (either on low heat on stove top or in microwave)
Pour batter into your heated pan or onto griddle.  Cook until the edges are dry (done)
and then turn and cook the other side.
Top pancakes w/Chili Bean & salsa mixture, then add a dollop of sour cream, and lastly
garnish with green onions.

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