
Sunday, February 27, 2011

my camera froze up!!!

So there I was taking pictures of these way cute metal flowers for my eBay store
when my camera just froze!  Yikes!!!  Never had that happen before. Owned it for
3 years now.
So went on line to see if someone else ever had the same problem.  One of the suggestions I
found said to take out the battery and then replace it.  Which I did, and it worked!  Yay!
(no way I can afford to replace it)
One of the suggestions that I didn't try was by a smarty who said "put it in the
microwave on defrost mode" LOL!
Anyway these were garden stakes/picks when they were purchased.  But after getting
them home they were promptly bent, and then JB weld was applied to the back.  So
that a hanger could be attached. 

These butterfly's were purchased without the hooks you see here.
They have a magnet on the back so that they can be hung on any
metal surface.
I used some brazing rod to make the hooks for these.  Then
added a glass bead at the tip of the hook.

This is the last project for this weekend.
Karen at Sew Many Ways has a tutorial on her blog for
making these lil cuties!
you can find it here
Hope everyone had a great crafting weekend!
Linking up to Sew Many Ways, So Darn Crafty...Linking party #4


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Comments from the Sunflowers