
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Free Form Rail Fence Quilt

Has it really been a year and a half,or more since I posted?!!  Sorry to all you sweet followers!  Life has a way of happening and Bam,its a year or more later.

Lots of things have happened since the last post obviously,but what this post is about is...


The Freeform Rail fence quilt from the book Cultural Fusion.  Here it is ready for the binding to be added.  Just need to wind a couple bobbins first.

Binding attached to the backside of the quilt and pressing said binding in progress.  This quilt has been a journey.  It all started from a conversation with one of my best friends!  Jamie,over at busy bee quilts we were talking about quilts/projects we were currently working on.  She mentioned the book Cultural Fusion by Sujata Shah,so I of course checked it out online and ended up purchasing it.

Cotton and Steel fabrics are some of my favorites and were the obvious choice for this personal quilt.  Being the Sweet friend she is Jamie sent me some coordinating prints she found at her local Joann's!

My blocks are actually smaller than the pattern called for since a lot of my fabric cuts were fat eights not fat quarters.  The quilt blocks were made here and there in between other projects...

This past fall I joined a swap over on instagram and by chance was paired up with Jenn of JT Quilting .  What a fortunate chance it was as we have become good friends :)

When she learned I Love sunflowers she made me an Amazing mini sunflower quilt! (but that is another story for another post)  Of course this is my personal favorite block from the quilt!  It also shows off some of Jenn's beautiful quilting!  If you are looking for a Long Arm Quilter go check out her blog at the link above.  I Highly Recommend her,and will be a returning customer for all future quilts!

Another close up/block with gorgeous quilted swirls and a flower quilted in here and there as well!  This was such a fun quilt to sew up an,if I didn't have a million and one other projects waiting to be sewn up,I would make another one.

A better shot of the quilting perfection from a true free motion quilt artist.

A peek at the backside of the quilt,this backing/wide back fabric was purchased at my local Joann's fabrics.

The layout for the blocks normally has all the rails going in the same direction but I prefer to not have the same "cookie cutter" anything that everyone else has,so turned my blocks every which way :)!
After making all the blocks I got to thinking about the usual tug of war/blanket wars during the colder decided to make the quilt top larger by adding a narrow border and then another scrappy border.  Now the quilt is large enough that both the hubby and I will stay warm and cozy all fall/winter long!
This quilt is now on our bed and we will be sleeping under it tonight for the first of Many many nights to come.  Thank you Jamie and Jenn for helping me create this beautiful quilt!