
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Another sew together bag with leather

I have been playing around with some more of the leather purchased from the scrap bins at Oregon Leather!

The inside of this one is a mix of some Tula Pink fabrics.  The leather this time is a shimmery grey!

I had a small amount of Tula Pink ribbon left over from embellishing a pair of capris last summer.  It worked perfectly for the front of the bag.  The handcrafted in the USA tag is from Emmaline bags shop,she has the best bag bling!

Here is a view of the side of the bag.  Let me just say that I Love how my Juki sewing machine sews through the leather without any problems!!!

A peek inside the finished bag,these are really great organizer bags,for anything from sewing projects to cosmetics.

Me and the bag I won at the sew expo,from the Riley Blake booth.

Sorry I forgot to upload my Bloom blocks!  Instead here is a photo of my spring window decoration.

Sew Worth It