
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mama's got a new Bag!!!

Sorry for the rather long time between posts,but I seem to have misplaced my sewjo somewhere…I Really Need to find it as I have two swap items to get cracking sewing on Pronto!

Speaking of swaps,this is my Super Awesome tote bag received in round 6 of the Secret Tote Bag Swap!(over on Flickr)  Last time I showed you the bag made for my partner,btw she Loves it :)  I kind of cheated a bit when listing my three color preferences…because I listed green/aqua...

The top view,I am so in love with the jewel tone aqua prints that mamma fairy sews used!

I am not sure what pattern this bag is made from,but I Love love love all the pockets,there are 30 pockets in this bag!!!  Some are narrow and will be great for holding notions like marking pens,slim rulers,and such.  So a pocket for just about any notion you might have!

Check out the cute little dottie pincushion she made as one of my extras,it even fits around the narrow end of the ironing board. So I can switch it back and forth as needed.

The rest of my loot!  Isn't that little dumpling zippy pouch just adorable?!  The scissor lanyard coordinates perfectly with my cross stitch scissors,sweetness.  Some zippers,fabric,and an extra strap so the bag can be worn cross body style.  I was Sooo Spoiled :)

Sew Worth It

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Whats in a Name & a bit of sewing

A while back I mentioned that I would actually be officially changing the name of this/my blog.  Well that has finally happened.  The name has been changed to a Paisley Sunflower.  You should still be redirected here from the old link,but if you are a follower you might want to use the new URL,or not.

The new header is still in the process of being designed,so that will be changed as soon as it is ready.  I hope that all of my wonderful followers decide to stay with me through this change,and the lack of posting lately.  The plan is to get back into a solid post once a week for sure and maybe twice a week depending on what I have to show you all.

What I have been working on recently…

The Oh Spit diaper bag from the Big-City bags book.  My friend likes patchwork so I incorporated a bit into the front pocket of the bag for her.

The lining with divided pockets attached.  One thing about this bag it has plenty of pockets,which is always a plus in my book!

All finished and ready to go!  It is now at its new home patiently awaiting the arrival of a new babe for its first use.

The Secret Tote Bag swap round 6 over on flickr is one of three swaps I joined recently.  This round was black and white with one other color.  There was no specific bag we were to make,just what our partner wanted or we picked.  For my partner I chose to make a Super Tote by Noodlehead.  As you can see the one other color I chose out of the three she listed was red.

A few extra little goodies to accompany the bag to its new home.

This morning it began its trip,hopefully to someone who will love it for a long time to come!  This was my first time making this pattern,I used my seam ripper a lot learned a lot so hopefully the next one will not require the use of the grim ripper ;).  The only real issue,other than those of my own making,was the thickness on the sides/gusset part of the bag.  Even thought I used a brand new leather needle to do the final top stitching it was a real fight with my machine to actually get it to sew over the thick gusset part.  Other than that this was a fun bag to sew up!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Guess it is high time I dusted off the ole blog!

Life has been busy lately and I have been taking a little blogging vacation…

Speaking of vacation,last month we were able to finally synchronize all our schedules!  Which meant that for the first time in between 3-4 years we got together with both Jolene and Gil at the same time.  Let me just say that made me one Happy Mama :)))  We got together in St. George UT,this photo is taken from the view on Watchman Trail in Zion National Park.  The Cherry on the top, we were also finally able to meet Carla,in person (the sweetie sitting next to Gil,his girlfriend)

As a parent one of my hopes was that my kids would grow into good caring adults.  It made me proud as throughout all our hikes,I watched Gil stop step off the trail and pick up a abandoned water bottle or other piece of trash,and place it into his backpack.

While in St. George Jolene and I spent a couple hours at Superior Threads Headquarters!  Upstairs is the fabric shop,while downstairs is this awesome warehouse filled with thread from small spools to very large cones.  As well as the offices of the administrative staff.

This is also where your online order is processed and shipped from.  All the clerks are so nice and helpful,even when you interrupt them time and again with just one more question :)

Gil and I at Fremont St in Vegas,I was so happy that he willingly posed for this shot with me!  Usually he manages to make a funny face just as the photo is snapped,but this time he didn't.

At the entrance to the container garden there is this giant praying mantis,it is very cool.  It also scared the crap out of me!  Gil and I were standing by the gate talking about it when all of a sudden it started spewing flames out of its antenni.

This is my latest bag,it is the Oh Spit Diaper bag,from the Big-City bags book by Sara Lawson.  This is  the exterior front of the bag.

The finished bag all packed up and ready to go off to its new home!

This is my second cross stitch,just finished this evening after work!  I have plans to incorporate it into a bag soon…

Sew Worth It