
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Big-City Bags...the Final edition

This month for the BigCity Bags SAL (button on my side bar) we could sew up any of the bags in the book.  Since my favorite bag in the book is the Chandelier Swing bag,that is the one I chose to make.

All year long we have been sewing the bags from the book and not once have I used any of Sara Lawson's fabric.  Until now anyway!  For this one I broke into my FQ bundle of Jungle Avenue that I had been hording petting and trying not to drool on ;)

Normally I am not much of a "pink"girl,but I really love this text print!  Not to mention that some of the bundle made a Sew Together bag for someone for a Christmas gift.

The main reason this bag is my favorite is because of the size.  It just holds the essentials,which is what I usually pack around.

A peek inside,love this street map print too!

How about one with an exotic flair?  This one was made with a piece I cut wrong for the Sound Check bag.

I need to stock up on zippers before the month ends and the discount runs out!  I was hoping to use a gold or black zip,but since all three of my black zips went into the Sew Together bag...

The goldish print inside does not really match,but since it is inside it is okay.  This has been such a fun year with lots of bags!  My skills have grown exponentially since the beginning of the year.  Hardware has been tried and some of it mastered.  Some still needing more practice runs.

I hope you will join me next year as my bag making (and sewing in general) continues!  I heard recently Sara has sent a new book to her editor...and I have already signed up for the next edition of The Bag of the Month Club!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

* Happy Holidays *

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  My computer is going in to be serviced over the Holidays.

So other than one pre-scheduled post I will be MIA until my computer returns sometime in early January 2015.  See you in the New Year.

Until then Happy Sewing!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Flower Power

Are you ready for Christmas?  No?  Me either,but I am close!  A friend of mine has three sweet little girls...

These cute little flower purses and wristlets were made using this pattern purchased recently from an Indie seller on Craftsy.  They are a bit fiddly and time consuming but,they turn out so cute!  If you have a little girl or know one that loves all things girly,this is the perfect purse pattern.  The far left one was  my tester.

The lining was my planed exterior fabric...which is why I generally sew up a tester when making something for someone else,and using a new pattern for the first time.  It still turned out cute though.  I know one more little girl who might like this one.

I have all but finished the baby quilt top for ElaniaGrace,with my own twist on the pattern of course.  As well as some pink thrown in,because every little girl needs at least a little pink!

The pattern calles for hexie shapes in the second strip,I decided to use my smallest circle ruler to tie in with the bubbles in the fussy-cut square row.  The rest of the circles/bubbles need to be made and the top will be finished.  I also omitted the two ruffles near top and bottom of the quilt and am contemplating adding large ric rack there.  This will now take a back seat so I can finish up my last couple gifts.

Happy sewing!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December Goals...

This month is always a roller coaster ride,as far as goals go!  Mostly because of all those last minute gifts that have to be finished up.

This summer Gil asked me to make something for a buddy and his girl,who were expecting...last week he finally got back to me!  The baby was born just before ThanksGiving,could I please make a crib sized quilt?  Of course I can,Ha,it just might not get finished until after Christmas.  This is the pattern I am using,the girl version(bottom quilt)

Although this quilt will be for a baby girl,mom likes yellow and chose a print from my stash that is aqua with tiny little duckies all over it.  These are the start of the pinwheel row for the quilt. (my ALYOF Goal this month)

This weekend I made a lot of progress on my Fall Frolic quilt top!  Sadly,it now has to be put aside so Christmas presents get finished.

Did you take advantage of any sales this past week?  This loot and 2 bolts of SF101(Shape Flex interfacing,not pictured,from Joann's) were my big splurge for the year!  Jelly Roll ruler,Tri-Recs rulers,Elizabeth Hartman's,Kona Roll up,Oakshot cottons bundle,darks(from Craftsy).  Thread box,also from Joann's.

Linking up:

A Lovely Year of Finishes

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

a random Wednesday

I can finally show you a bag that was made late this summer...

It all started here,with this paper pieced pattern...

and ended up here.  This tote bag was a birthday gift for Jolene.  I was informed recently that it is Awesome!

These are my cute little snowmen that I pattern tested for Sweetbriar Sisters.  When looking at the pattern after printing it out my first thought was that it would be a bit difficult.  It was easy peasy!  This is the first pattern I have tested for them,but it won't be the last!

Last night I pulled out this basket that holds my spool collection.  They are going to become ornaments in the near future.

I saved the best for last!  Today these lovely goodies were waiting for me in the mailbox.  In a recent email to my friend Jamie(over at busy bee quilts) I mentioned that I still had not found any more Bias Plaid in Orange for my Fall Frolic quilt.  Being the wonderful friend she is,she sent me the 30 inches from her own stash,and Sweetened the package with notions!  Thank You Jamie :)!

Soon I will have a quilt top to show you...