
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Random Sunday

I am happy to say that the garden is almost done!  That means more sewing time for me!

Apothecary Jars mini is finished and on my table now,even though there is still some fresh product to take care of.  Hopefully the last of it will be preserved by the end of next weekend.

My fox swap package came this week!  From the photos on flickr I thought this was a mini quilt...

It is actually a pillow cover,which is all the more sweet because it is something I would not make for myself!  As soon as we make a trip to the city where I can purchase a pillow form you will be able to see it in all its glory.  This will make such a nice fall decoration in my chair,can't hardly wait to be able to display/use it!

These are a new project in progress!  A sweet friend of mine,Jamie from busy bee quilts sent me a Frolic charm pack!  Which was used to make these square in a square blocks.  I have a plan to use them with some bird blocks,just need to figure out how to make it work...  The colors are off here as they are perfect for fall,but do not really show up that way.

This trio of arrow blocks will most likely end up in a table mat or mini quilt along with

these two blocks.  You can find the tutorial over at Grace and Favour for the arrow blocks.  These were actually tester blocks for me.  I have a plan to make a quilt with these arrow blocks,some Anna Maria Horner feather blocks and a kokopelli block too.  That is if I can figure out how to make it all work!  More on that if/when it actually happens.

Finally,I will leave you with this parting shot.  Fall is in full swing,and the Aspens are such a beautiful sight to see!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall apothecary jar mini

This week I was finally able to squeeze in a little sewing!  After all the canning/preserving going on around here,the idea to make a mini jar quilt came to me.

Not just the plain ole mason jars which are very functional,but not so pretty as all those jars in the preserving magazines.  Which by the way are not actually recommended for preserving,because they do not seal good enough.  So my jars are not what you will find on any other jar quilt,but I sure do like them!  As you can see it is still in progress...when the preserving is all done and I can once again see my table top,this will be on it.

Speaking of preserving,this is part of what I put up today.  Seven pints of spaghetti sauce and a partial,which will be used in the next few days.  The little jars on the right are pesto.  They have joined a ton of other things in the freezer.

This is one of my cupboards,it used to be an entertainment center...since the storage space in our mobil home is very lacking,I asked Mr. P to up-cycle it for me.  He did a great job,and even made a shelf specially for my pressure canner.  The two smaller shelves hold my baking chips,nuts,and dried fruits.  The canned goods from left to right are:  blueberry syrup,peach syrup (for pancakes/waffles) blueberry/orange/rhubarb jam,tomato jam,peach chipotle jam,relish,and lastly pickled beets.

I still need to make salsa,and apple butter,and the mountain of zucchini and yellow squash is slowly being made into bread,and frozen.

Yesterday these foxy goodies were all packed up and shipped off to my swap partner.  I decided on a hoop art for her and added some braided embroidery with beads and a fox charm.  So that when it is hanging it sort of looks like a dream catcher.  The first coffee kozie was scrapped and the one on top of the little fabric bundle is my second attempt.  It is a keeper,or in this case a sender!  Might just have to make one for myself.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Much too busy even to find the time to post!  It is that time of year when the garden needs to be harvested,and preserved.  Fall yard and home projects need attending to,and I have been covering someones vacation at work.  Which means working late everyday...

That doesn't leave much time if any for sewing lately.  I did manage to sew up a couple things for my partner in the fox swap over on flickr.  This was my first paper pieced fox,but I should have used a lighter background..(although I really like this as it is,it is not for me)

Mr. fox #2 much better,because he stands out from the background.  The plan is to either make this into a mug rug,or hoop art.  I am leaning towards the hoop art,but we shall see.

This was an attempt to make a fox coffee kozie,but I am thinking that the head outline needs to be a bit larger.  Also the buttons need to go,and some embroidery should take its place...

Twelve little foxy note cards that I printed off on card stock,just need to make the envelopes for them.

Also a few book marks,I am thinking of laminating these...I do have a couple other things,but have not posted pics of them over on flickr yet.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Spoiled Rotton

Recently I have been telling you about some swaps,and showing you things made for my partners...

Now to show you what I have received in return!  A peak inside the boxy zip pouch received from my partner in the Super Swaps August swap.  This swap was for a zippered pouch or a basket,I asked for a zip pouch.

This pouch has room for lots of stuff...

Like all of these goodies that were in it when it arrived!  I love the fall colors used in the prints and the solid orange my partner used,but especially the leaf/tree print!  Don't you just love the umbrella print?  I sure do!  The candy didn't last a hot minute,although,I did only eat half and shared the other half with Mr. P.

In the Secret tote bag swap my partner Spoiled Me Rotten!

Saturday when I checked the mail my package was there,I was so excited to see which bag was in the box!

My partner had wrapped each extra or goodie item in tissue paper tied with bakers twine,it was just like Christmas!

When I finally got to the last tissue wrapped package in the box,this to-die-for bag was inside!  If you know me at all,then you know how much I Love SunFlowers!

I am just over the moon excited to have received this bag!  I am still smiling from ear to ear,and will be for quite some time to come!

The third swap I joined is the fox swap

Today I finished up this little guy to keep my partner company when she is sewing.  I have not yet started on her main item.  The due date for shipping is September 22,so I have a little bit of time to get it done.