
Sunday, December 29, 2013

A little Pause...

No I didn't fall off the edge of blog land!  However since my machine is in dire need of a trip to the sewing machine "doctor" I have been taking a little breather/pause,before jumping into 2014 with both feet.

Recently I had a request for a custom order of napkins like the set I made way back in 2011!  The above set is the same except that the fabric on the back sides are different prints.  My customer,also requested a set 13 x 13.

After several different test napkins,Wendy chose to have solids that coordinate with the center colors.

I am happy with how they turned out,and glad that Wendy is really happy with them too!

For the back sides I used a print to coordinate with the colors on the front.

Right before Christmas I finished up my Big Stitch pillow project started at Fabric Fest!  It was a gift to a friend at work.  Her favorite color is purple,and although this is not truly a purple,she loved it anyway!

Hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas with family and friends,and Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year :)

(my machine is scheduled to be serviced on New Years day,so I will be back shortly thereafter)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dizzying Diamonds Pattern Review

Today is the Big Day!  Melissa over at  Sew BitterSweet Designs is releasing her third pattern today!  Congrats to you  my friend :)

                                                      (photo borrowed from Melissa's blog)

The photo above is the smaller(60x72)version that Melissa made,I just love the fabrics she chose for this quilt.

You might remember that I posted a sneak peak(above photo) a while back.  When Melissa asked if I would be interested in testing this pattern,you know I could not say no!  Especially since triangles are one of my favorites :)

This pattern is designed to use a layer cake,since I did not have one in my stash I used a bundle of The Red Thread by Andover Fabrics for the print and Marble Swirls by Moda,in green for my "solid".  I wanted a quilt that would not only read as Christmas but,could also work for everyday.

Melissa has such a talent for writing a pattern that is a little challenging yet,at the same time being easy to follow!  This is a great pattern for working on in between other projects,which is how I personally pieced this top.  It was easy to do in stages,and also easy to pick up from the last step completed and continue on to the next step.

Thank You Melissa for asking me to test this pattern,it was super fun to sew/piece together!  Want to purchase this pattern and make a Dizzying Diamonds quilt of your very own?  Visit Sew BitterSweet Designs at Craftsy for the pattern!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Giveaway Winner Announcement

Hi everyone,just a quick post to let you know who the lucky Winner of Giveaway Day is!  Firstly though,A Big Thank You to all of you for sharing your favorite Holiday Traditions with me :)

The Lucky Winner is...

Kathy the 120h commenter,Congratulations again Kathy!  Your prize package will be heading out to you this next week(check your email for the exact day)

Since this Giveaway has put the patch followers readers over the 200 mark (Thank You for that :)  We will be having a Reader appreciation giveaway in the near future!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Time for a Giveaway (Day)!

Welcome everyone,new and patch followers alike!  It is that time again,hope you are enjoying entering all of the giveaways!  I know Giveaway Day is a busy time of hopping around and commenting on lots of blogs,but if you have a minute check out some of my tutorials and recipes.  Of course I would love to make a few new friends during the Giveway too :)

For a chance to win the items in the above photo,just tell me what your favorite Holiday Tradition is.  I will try to reply to all comments,but it might take a while!  So if you have not heard from me in a few days you are probably a NO REPLY Blogger,if you think you might be,make sure to leave your email in your comment.

Good Luck to all ;)  Giveaway ends Friday December 13,Winner announced by Sunday the 15th.

Be sure to visit Sew Mama Sew for  the Linkys to all the giveaways!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Finally back

I know it has been a long time,but I have been very busy.

Last month my friend Melissa posted a tutorial for Christmas Diamonds,the table runner in the photo above.  I love triangle blocks,so could not resist making one for myself!  The tutorial is easy to follow and in short order this one was done :)

Remember my Nutcracker blocks late this summer?  Well,they finally came up in my pile of things to get finished up!  I am really happy with how this runner turned out,mostly because I Love Nutcrackers :)

See you tomorrow evening with my contribution to the December Edition of