
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Finishes for ALYOF link Party!

Here we are again people,at the tail end of yet another month!  So lets get right to what was accomplished.

First on my list was Clutches for my niece...

She wanted six,I ended up making seven,with the one for her,included in this photo.

This one,for her sis-in-law who is helping her,or being her wedding planner.

Next up,the Triple Zip Pouch,for my secret swap partner.  If she does not like this one I will make her another,as I have until the 17th of Aug,to send it.

All twenty crayon rolls that I made,because a customer at the FM requested some :)

My favorite of the three bags I made from the new pattern I tried out.

Next on my list was make soap,laundry(which I already posted about)and bar soap.  I ended up using a plastic tray with shallow circles from the recycle bin,and for the actual bar at the back,a shortening bar tray,also from the recycle bin.  This batch is scented with LemonGrass essential oil,I decided not to add any dye to my soap.  Not pictured,is a batch of Lavender scented soap.

The last item on my goals list is,start at least two Christmas projects,well,I have them cut out.  You will just have to trust me though,because I forgot to take pictures of the cut up fabric! (oops)

My projects list...

Did not make any more progress on this quilt after this photo,but there was at least some progress.  No progress on the Try something New,but it will happen,and when it does you will hear about it!

Make some bags from stray quilt blocks...bag number one

Bag number two,there are still 5 or 6 to go,but two is a good start.  The last two,pillowcases and list a few items,did not happen but,again,they will soon,and since they were only projects... I am okay with that.

I am tired,but happy about getting so much accomplished :)  However,this next month I plan to take it easy for a change!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sewing like mad

This past week has been crazy busy in the sewing room for me.  As usual my list of goals is,pretty much Way over what can be accomplished in my limited sewing time...

But first,something that should have been on my list,oops,forgot to add my blocks for Stash Bee .  Two of these will be heading out next week,the other two were my practice blocks.  I have plans for them...

The majority of the week was spent working on these babies for my nice's bridesmaids.  I also made up one for her,would not think of leaving out the most important lady of the day!  The print she picked for the outside of the clutches is,an Essex Linen blend La Femme floral nouveau in ivory,by Robert Kaufman.

For the insides she picked three different prints from Amy Butler's Alchemy line,in a Linen Rayon blend.  My first thought was that these prints should really be on the outside of the clutch,and it sure would have been easier to sew them that way.  However,they are not for me.  After finishing them and taking the photos,I decided it was a nice surprise to open up the clutch and find such a pretty lining fabric inside.

This last one,which I actually made first,is for my nephew's wife.  She has been helping my nice with all the planning and such that goes hand in hand with a wedding.  This one was one of the 6 that were requested.  It has the floral nouveau print inside,and the sparkly green outside is,a Michael Miller print.  Something Frost? (sorry brain fail)   This is my favorite of the 7 ;)

Since there were still two of the original 8 in. frames left from before the decision to go with 6 in. frames,I decided to just make up this one...

and also this one,to sell.  Even though sunflowers far my favorite,I like the orange daisy print one better!  The inside of it is lined with a matching DS print.  The lining of the sunflower clutch is a purple that goes with the purple on the outside.

Remember my stray quilt blocks... two of them were owl blocks (I think from 2011,sew bee blissful Bee)  These were my practice blocks,all of the other blocks were donated to the Waldo Canyon Fire quilt relief effort.  The handles are leftover 3 inch squares sewn together,and turned right side out,the lining of this one is just a scrap of plain muslin.

This second one is about 6 inches taller and a little larger around too.  The handles for this one are made from a striped brushed cotton,while the lining is an allover green print.  It also sports a small inside pocket,made with a orange scrap of butterfly fabric.

 I also made my "bar" soap,but forgot to take a photo of it (next post). Whew!  So still to be completed from my goals list are...  the triple zip pouch,and two Christmas projects need to at least be started.  I think I can,I think I can...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Bungalow bag

Or two,or three...

In my last post I promised to share the new bag pattern I was trying out,as soon as you could tell it was a bag.  Well,can you tell it is a bag? ;)

Detail shot of the decorative stitching on the handle.

Bag # 2 is all about the stripes! On the inside the bags have a pocket on both the front and back sides,which measure about 4 inches square.  (sorry no inside photos)

Last,but certainly not least!  This print just screams Fall :)  I can not decide if the first one,or this one is my favorite,I Love them both!!

The Bungalow Bag is a Abby Lane Quilts pattern.  Let me just say,that this was an enjoyable sewing/bag project.  The pattern is easy to follow,and has clear and concise instructions,with a few sketches to help explain things.  The one and Only thing I did not like about it is the fact that the handle seems to be an after thought.  At the very end of the pattern it says,now add your favorite handles.  Since I did not have any to add,stash scraps to the rescue,for three fabric shoulder strap type handles.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

ALYOF Mid ~ Month progress

Half the month has flown by already,which means it is time to show my progress on my list (s)...

This is the photo from the book (Simple Choices,by Abby Lane Quilts).  This quilt is titled Simply Spring,AKA my birdie quilt,which is on my projects list.

Here is my version,the blocks are made up with Polka Dot Stitches fabrics.  My birdies are from other fabrics in my stash.  Right now they are just pinned on,since I need to purchase some steam a seam before I can attach them.

The wings and tail feathers pattern pieces cut out of freezer paper.  I still need to pick the fabrics for these pieces...

On to some goals,here are all 20 of the crayon rolls that were sewed up last week!  Obviously I can not count to 20 as I only came home from the store with 19 packs of crayons...

Three new fabric journal covers all ready to go,just need one more composition book for the one in the center.

A few more only,these are chalk board journals.  Killing two birds with one stone,as these have been pinned on one of my pinterest boards for quite a while.

Laundry soap,these are just what would not fit into my big jars!  The one on the left is made with Fels-naptha bar soap,the one on the right is made with pink zote bar soap.  They also both have super washing soda,and 20 mule team borax,I have been using these for around a year now.  They work just as well as store bought at a fraction of the cost :)   Still trying to figure out what to use as molds for my bar soap...

No progress on the clutches yet but,I do have the fabric!  The new bag pattern,bag is in progress and I will post about it as soon as it is finished,or at least to a stage where you can tell what it is from the photo.  Stalking my triple zip pouch partner,and have some fabrics in mind...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cedar Wrapped Mediterranean Salmon

When posting the Asian Salmon with Vegetables recipe,I promised to also share the  Mediterranean Salmon recipe.

Of course it rained yesterday...but Mr. P. grilled anyway,I know he is a keeper!

Mediterranean Salmon:

  • 3 Tablespoons finely chopped sun dried tomatoes (rehydrated in hot water or,packed in oil)
  • 2 Tablespoons chopped Kalamata olives
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • 1/4 cup zucchini,cut into thin strips
  • 2 6-8 oz salmon fillets
  • 2 fire & flavor cedar papers(pre-soak in warm water for 10 minutes)
  • fresh basil for garnish (optional)
  • salt and pepper (to taste)

These are the papers used for wrapping and grilling your salmon/veggies in,and is also where the recipe came from.

First: Combine tomatoes,olives,garlic,oil,and thyme in a small bowl and season with salt and pepper.

Next: Preheat grill or grill pan to medium high heat (about 400 degrees).  Place one fillet in center of each grilling paper,spoon tomato mixture directly on top of fish,and arrange zucchini strips on top.  Fold edges of papers over the fillets and secure with string.  Place packets on grill and cook 4-5 minutes per side,depending on thickness of fish.

Last: Using tongs,remove salmon from grill and serve with fresh basil as a garnish.

I chose to steam up some fresh green beans on the grill (in a foil pack with butter and seasonings) to go with the salmon.  Serves 2

Sunday, July 7, 2013

How does your garden grow?

So,since I am about to go take a batch of jam out of the canner,this is going to be a picture post.  All about the garden ...

Even though the Deer managed to get in and Burglarize the Garden recently,as well as my sunflowers GRR...they have survived and are doing almost as good as before the rampage :)