
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Epic Baking failures , I could just CRY :(

Well after spending the day in the kitchen with a almost 40
year old oven, I had some Epic Failures, a couple down right
disasters, and some sell-able goodies!  Above is the cinnamon
raisin bread that burnt in 15 minutes flat!

These are my scuffs!  They turned out great, but my kitchen Aid
food processor died while making them :(  Good thing I have all
spring and summer to try and replace it.  (will have to put it
on my gift wish list)
The recipe for these can be found at RocknRecipes blog

This is a carrot cake in my sunflower bunt pan!  It turned out

These two are my Darn Good Chocolate Cake!
They turned out pretty good too.
The Epic disasters are not pictured, and for good reason!
So even tho I really felt like Crying a few times through the
day, I still ended up with a few things for the bake sale :)

A "SWEET TOOTH" of a Giveaway!!!

A whopping 7 yards of this yummy fabric, that just Screams
spring/summer!  Not to mention all the Goodies pictured
below!  YIKES!!
If you haven't gone over to the, 1 Choice 4 Quilting , blog
you don't know what you are missing!
This Lady really knows how to do it up right!
Check out all the GOODIES she is giving away, Oh My! :)
enter this Awesome giveaway

Giveaway poll & Cancer Donation Button

  As you may have noticed, I recently added a American Cancer Donation Button to my side bar.
Also across on the right side of my blog page is a poll, for what I should giveaway!  This poll will be up for one week, ending on April 7th.
So please make sure to take a second and vote for what you would like the giveaway to be!
  Now for the Rules or The Catch:
1~ if you donate that will count as one entry, you will need to post a comment letting me know that you donated.
2~ if you leave me a comment, that will count as one entry
3~ Although I love All of my Followers( Following me will NOT count as a entry)  the reason being, I want peeps to follow my blog because they find it interesting and like the things I post about!  I would LOVE to have tons of Followers, but ONLY if you are Actually following my blog, and not just clicking follow to win something.
  So once the poll is over, I will post what the giveaway will be!  And by the way Thank You to all of my  Followers!!!  YOU Guys/Gals ROCK!!!:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flannel Embellished burp cloths

Today was day two of vacation!
My project for today was to make more burp cloths to
replenish my eBay store.  Since they have been selling like
hot cakes lately and I only had three sets left!
This is the first set made today,  There are ladybugs on a
turquoise color background.

I finished 8 sets today, of course even tho I am on vacation
there are still other things that have to be done :(

These owls are just so cute!  I wanted to get some sampler
sets done too, but ran out of time.  (had to make dinner)
My sampler sets have three different prints, instead of
three of the same print, as in the pictures here.
These are the three that I had left in my store all tied up &
ready to ship!

Blogger Generosity & Snap Happy Pattern

Recently I was blog hopping, when I came across Carol's
Crafty Creations blog.  While browsing through her blog I
came across a post about Snap Happy bags, which you can
find Here After reading the post I commented that I was looking
for a pattern to make some of these bags.
Carol replied to my post, saying that she would be happy to
share her pattern with me.
Guess what was in my mail yesterday?  Yep that's right the
pattern Carol promised to share!
Imagine my surprise, to open up the envelope and find the Original
Pattern!!!  I figured that she would send me a photo copy.
GENEROSITY Carol !!! :)
I will be using this pattern to make my MOM a coin purse for
mothers day, also will be making my daughter one too & some for my
After making a few of these I plan to PAY IT FORWARD & share
the PATTERN!!! 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Calendar Pinwheels

A couple of weeks ago the store where I work marked all of
the 2011 calendars to 10 cents each!
I bough a bunch of them, because I had this idea to use them
to make pinwheels with.
This is the first batch minus the two that I gave to my daughter
this weekend.

This is a close up shot.
We get most of our rain in the summer here, so I laminated the
pattern pieces before cutting them out and attaching them to
the dowel stakes.
This way they won't be ruined after the first rain.  (we get
flash floods here)

new throw pillows & couch cover

This is the before picture.

And this is the after picture!
This is the first (of many,I hope) finished project
on my vacation week.

I like all three of the new throw pillows.  This one is the same
pillow as in the before picture.  I just made a new cover for it.
This is my pillow, it is a down pillow that I folded in half and
stuffed inside a zippered cover.  It is great for supporting my
lower back!

A close-up of the other throw pillow.  These are 16x16
throw pillows that I made a pillow case for and then, a
sleeve which is pulled over the case and tied with added
ties.  This way the pillow case and the sleeve can be washed!
I also added two yo yo's with a coordinating bead hot glued
in the center.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Knock knock & Thrift Bargians

These are my 3 latest thrift finds.  The package standing up at
the back is 3 cardboard desk organizers that you cover with
fabric.  The package on the left is a full size sheet, on the right is
5 yards of fabric!  Every thing was half off so my grand total
came to $ 3.69
I love thrift stores!
Now for the knock knock part...
This weekend Mr. P and I made a surprise visit to our daughter
& son-in-laws house.  When we got there I called Jolene on my cell
phone.  When she answered I said "knock knock"  when she replied
who's there I said me!  After a second or two she said your here?!
Even though we only stayed overnight, it was wonderful to
spend some time together! 

drawer organization

Okay, so maybe I should have added "or the lack thereof
to my title.

These are the two drawers in my kitchen that always seem
to be a dis-organized mess!  No matter how many times I
straighten them up!

Well not any more!
Last week I brought home a few cardboard soda flats from

This afternoon while Mr.P was taking a snooze on the couch
This is what I was doing!  Yay! No more messy drawers!
Like Karen from (Sew Many Ways) says "A little bit at a time"
That way you don't get burnt out!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Giveaway At (Rocknquilts) blog

  Do you love fabric?  The color pink?  Want some?  If you answered yes then you need to visit  Rocknquilts blog here:  for a chance to win!  (before march 27th)!!
  Good Luck to everyone & THANK YOU Rocknquilts!!!


Corn Souffle

Quiltpecan  over at Sew How's This, posted a recipe the other day
for Corn Souffle.
It just so happens that Mr. P and I both Love cornbread!  So this
recipe was added to the list of meals for this week.
The picture above is the Corn Souffle we had for dinner tonight, along
with some leftover BBQ chicken!
After dinner Mr. P stated "I love this,Where did you get this recipe from?"
This is definitely a keeper, and is going in my recipe box!
Thank You Quiltpecan :)
You really need to give this recipe a whirl, you won't be disappointed!!
You can find the recipe here:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Zipper crafts

Mr. P works at a manufacturing place where they make all different
kinds of things.  One of which is Christmas Tree stands (the ones
that are on trees that you buy from Christmas Tree lots).
So every once in awhile he brings me home a "Heart block" like
the ones above.
These three sit on my desk, and I have been thinking about how to
add a little pizazz to them.
Here is what I came up with!

This is the first one that I worked on.
Green is my favorite color so I modge podged some scrap book
paper in different shades of green on the block.
Then I added a green zipper with hot glue.

This is all three finished "Heart" blocks.

On this one I used a floral scrap book paper on two sides and
a textured pink paper on the other two.  Then added a purple zipper
with a purple pull to it.  On the top I used part of the zipper to make a
small rosette and added a button as the bud.

After modge podgeing  on the gold paper I added the words,
I  (heart) you this much near the bottom.
A red zipper is hot glued from the top of the block to the top
of the heart.
On the very top of the block is a red zipper flower, with a white
button and a smaller red button glued in the center of the white
They are all back in their place on my desk, but now they really
look SWEET :)
linking to DIY Showoff project parade here

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

potato Baker bags

couldn't resist making one out of this fun PiƱata print!

This is a potato Baker bag!
These bags are perfect for baking a potato in your
They come out so fluffy, like a baked potato should be.
You can fit up to 4 medium sized potatoes in the bag at and
and bake them all at once.
Great for when you want a potato in the middle of the summer
and don't want to heat up the whole house by using the
conventional oven.
Love this oriental/Asian print too!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The American Cancer Society:

The American Cancer Society:
On April 30th of this year (2011) I will be joining the fight against cancer. My friends and co-workers have formed a team and will be hiking up Tenderfoot Mountain for the cure.
I need to raise $100, but hope to raise more than that! Am thinking about doing a raffle or a giveaway to help raise the $$$ When I decide which one I will post about it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pink Panther throw pillows & song bird flower pots

These throw pillows were so much fun to make!  I had the two different
fabrics in my stash,and had been thinking of what to make using the
Pink P fabric.  While looking through my fabric the pink & brown floral
print just jumped out!
I didn't plan to use them together, but they make a perfect pair!  I added
coordinating buttons to the centers of the yo yo's used for the straps.
After spend the morning outside doing some spring yard work,
I came inside to work on these flower pots.
A few months ago I made my mom some shopping bags with this
song bird print.  The leftover scraps were a great way to add a
decorative touch to these plain flower pots!
I just cut them to the right size and then Modge Podged them on!
Linking with The DIY project parade & Sew Darn Crafty Party & Giveaway

Friday, March 11, 2011

plastic bag holder

Supply's needed...
8 strips of fabric measuring 20 x 3 1/2 inches (or more if  you want a longer bag holder)
2 pieces of narrow elastic (1/4 inch or smaller)  1 piece 11 inches long & 1 piece 6 1/2 inches
1 piece of strapping, cording, or ribbon 14 inches long (used as hanger)
If desired, you can use one single piece of fabric 20x 25 inches
scissors/rotary cutter
sewing machine.

Lay out your strips in desired order, sew strips together along the 20 inch side.
Making sure to keep right sides together & using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
When all strips are sewn together, press seams open.
Here all my strips are sewn together.
Next you will make a casing at each end for your elastic.
Note: (  I make sure to
make my casing along one of the 20 inch sides.)
Turn your edge over 1/2 inch and press.  Then turn another 1/2 inch
and press.
Next, sew as close to the edge of the fabric as possible without sewing off the edge.
Repeat this on the opposite end for your second casing.
Now you will attach your hanger.   Pin your strapping (or whatever you are
using for your hanger) just below the seam for your casing.  Lining  up each side
so that your hanger is centered.
Now you are ready to insert your elastic into each casing.
Begin by attaching a safety pin to each end of your elastic, this way
if you accidentally let go of the elastic you can retrieve it from inside
the casing.
Insert one of the safety pins into your casing and thread your elastic
through  by pushing and pulling it through the casing.
Repeat for the other end.
Make sure to use the 11 inch piece of elastic for the top of your
bag holder, and the 6 1/2 inch piece for the bottom.
Elastic at the top of bag holder
Note: leave the safety pins attached to the elastic until you have
sewn the side seams.
Elastic at the bottom of bag holder.
Line up side edges, being careful of the safety pins, and making sure
to back stitch at the beginning and end, sew side seams.
Turn your bag holder inside out. 
Next stuff all those plastic bags inside your new bag holder!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Upcycled DVD/CD holder

This is the DVD/CD holder that I found at the thrift store
on Saturday. 
Here is what it looked like after removing most of the wire
pieces (leaving every 4th one), and one of the wood ends.
Here is the finished project!  I painted the remaining wood
piece black, then added some scrap booking establishments
by using Modge Podge.